z Cottage by the Sea : A Very Merry Holiday
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, December 23, 2024

A Very Merry Holiday

For  a deep freezer effect come to New Jersey.  It was 5°F this morning.
We had snow over night into Monday but just a dusting.    Winter came barreling in and autumn has beaten a hasty retreat until next year.
If you have not joined with me in praying for missing and murdered indigenous women it's never too late to join with us.  Our sisters need our prayers.  For thousands of years women and children have been the target of evil (read Genesis).   Of all the picked on and mistreated groups women are at the top.  If we do not stand with one another  God will one day ask you why!  Go here for more info but do not sit idle.  Pray for women around the world who are daily treated like trash.  If we do not stand up for one another who will? My prayer list of women in peril is way too long.

It is Christmas Eve.    Where will Christmas Eve find you?


1. If you have a tree up what is on the top?
 an old fashioned  mercury glass spiral topper. For thousands of years  their special job was to point northward to heaven. "Don't stop here, look further up!"

2. White lights or multi colored?   I am a fan of both.

3. Church service? Candlelight service, bell choir?  Candlelight is always nice but hand bells are just awesome too.

4. What is on the Christmas Eve menu?   Lasagna, Caesar Salad, Apple Puffs.


  1. We have our a/c on tonight, bah humbug!! Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year♥ ((hugs))

  2. There was a tv show called Alaska Daily with Hilary Swank. that talked about the women disappearing. I guess people just don't care. It was good but only lasted one season. I will check out your link. Merry Christmas!

  3. Ok, hold on, I will be up for dinner, smiles. Wishing you a lovely Christmas Eve my friend.

  4. I will pray for women everywhere who are persecuted and suffering, Annie. Have a blessed Christmas!

  5. I wish you and blessed Merry Christmas. My daughter in law's mom and sister just moved up to TN from Florida so it's going to be a full Christmas! Brrr. I grew up in cold temps like yours but I'm afraid Florida thinned my blood and I'd be a popsicle where you live.

  6. Of all the physical blessings of the season , time spent with family and friends is the most precious ! Thank you , my friend !!!


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