z Cottage by the Sea : Happy Holidays
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, December 20, 2024

Happy Holidays

Rainy Friday here on the coast.   It rained most of yesterday and will continue on through most of today.  We sure needed rain. 

 From the archives: Happy Holidays from Saturday 9

1. As you can see, when Sam Winters was a little girl, she loved giving her annual wish list to Santa. If you could ask Santa for anything at all, right now, what would it be?
 I would ask for a normal world. Now I realize it's never been normal since  Eden but, it doesn't hurt to try does it?

2. Are you currently on the Naughty or Nice list? How did you get there?
I am on the nice list.  I got there because I try to be nice and avoid being naughty.

3. Are you traveling this Christmas? If so, are you going by car, plane or train?
I  only traveled for holidays when I was at university and that was to come home. It was either by car or student pilot.  My mother said of me that the only way I didn't come home was by dog sled.

4. Did you ship any gifts to friends and family this year? If yes, which one traveled the farthest?
No everyone on the list is nearby.
5. Did you buy yourself a gift this year?  Not really no.

6. Which do you prefer: candy canes or gingerbread?  I love box mix gingerbread with tons of whipped cream.

7. Close your eyes and tell us the first carol that comes to mind.  Silver Bells 

8. What's your favorite winter beverage?  I enjoy hot tea or hot coffee in winter.  I also love egg nog.

9. Share a memory from last Christmas:   It snowed a little during that week.
I made my famous Chinese Spring Rolls and we watched some movies.

Chanukah Sameach and Merry Christmas. (Hanukah Sa-may-awk)


  1. I do hope your holidays are merry and bright, Annie. Blessings!

  2. Beautiful snow picture! I loved Andy Williams too, and Silver Bells is a great old song!! Seems like I remember singing in high school chorus, that and "Carol of the Bells", which was very challenging! Praying you and yours have a very Merry Christmas !

  3. Interesting , how the body switches cravings from summer salads to winter hot soups and beverages . Hot tea with lemon in the morning ,and cocoa or hot apple cider mid-afternoon seems to be just right !
    Hoping all is well , with all of you !

  4. You sure live in a beautiful place, smiles. Wishing you a lovely day my friend.

  5. Silver Bells is a lovely song. It has always been one of my favorites. I hope you enjoy your holiday!

  6. road condition has a lot to do if we travel or not.


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