z Cottage by the Sea : Calendar Girl
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, January 10, 2025

Calendar Girl

Hello. from the frozen east coast.  It's pretty cold and in fact the bay here is frozen over.  It happens just not too often.

Saturday 9: Calendar Girl (1960)
    You might be interested to know that the surname Sedaka is from the Hebrew Tzedakah which is charity.
Unfamiliar with this week's tune?  Hear it here.

1) How will you keep track of your days/weeks in 2025? Do you have a desk planner? A wall calendar? A pocket planner? Do you use the app on your phone?
I use none of those and never have.   My life doesn't have much going on at all and so I don't need a planner really.
2) Consider your typical week. Which day tends to be your busiest?
 Friday morning and afternoon.

3) This week's artist, Neil Sedaka, is one of pop music's most prolific singer-songwriters, but his first love was classical music. He was so good that he trained at Julliard and won the accolade, "Best New York High School Pianist." Recall one of your passions from your high school years.
  I was passionate about almost everything at that age!
4) Elton John has always enjoyed Sedaka's music and in the 1970s, when Elton was one of the world's top stars, he requested a meeting. If you had the power to contact and then meet anyone in the world, who would you choose?    
There are so many people... none of them famous, most of them bloggers.     
5) Sedaka appeared as the musical guest during the second season of Saturday Night Live. What's the most recent show you watched on TV? Was it live, from your dvr, or did you stream it?
I streamed a movie 

6) His daughter Dara sings on TV and radio commercials. What advertising jingle sticks in your head?
 Oscar Mayer.  Mayer is my mother's maiden name.. Meyer, Mayer and Moyer are all the same name usually changed at Ellis Island.   

7) In 1960, when "Calendar Girl" was popular, To Kill a Mockingbird was first published. Have you read it?   No, it didn't interest me.  

8) Also in 1960, John F. Kennedy, Jr. was baptized in the Georgetown University Chapel. His godparents were Charles and Martha Bartlett, the couple who introduced his famous parents. Do you have any godchildren?
No .
9) Random question -- Which did you enjoy more: the last week of 2024 or the first week of 2025?
Both were just dandy.


  1. ...and I would love to meet you and give you a hug and just spend time talking and caring on like old friends, well, we are, old friends. smiles. lol

  2. I have always found it fascinating how names got changed at Ellis Island. Such an interesting bit of history.

  3. I would choose to meet online friends too. I saw just the picture of your ad and started singing the jingle. LOL! Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend!


  4. I've never "met" a person who wasn't interested in To Kill a Mockingbird!! SUCH an important book!! if you don't wanna read it, watch the movie! it's a classic and so well done. almost as good as the book!

    I remember that commercial! my sisters and I use to sing it all the time when we were little and our mother made us bologna sandwiches (EW!!)

  5. I remember that sweet commercial! I did enjoy Neil Sedaka's songs back in the day, too. Have a great day, Annie!

  6. We both went with meat commercials. Mine was a local chain, though, in competition I guess with Oscar Mayer.

  7. Interesting that your mother's maiden name is Mayer. Perhaps you could be an heiress to the Oscar Mayer fortunes? One never knows! Was there anyone named Oscar in your mother's family? Just curious. I hope you are keeping warm and safe and cozy with all that frigid weather about. It's actually been pretty chilly here too this past week, but not as cold as everywhere else. Still, cold enough for us here in Florida. I am thankful we don't have snow or ice, however. Always something to be thankful for! Have a blessed rest of your weekend.

  8. Greetings !
    It has just reached 40 degrees here , in coastal NJ .
    This Summer Girl is less than amused...lol...
    I do have a little hard-bound planner that fits in my purse .
    It keeps track of needed tasks , appointments , birthdays
    and meetings with friends...so helpful !
    And yes , that bologna commercial does surface ,
    from time to time !
    Wishing you all safety , good health , warmth and joy !


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