Friday, January 17, 2020


Winter temperatures have returned and so has sunshine today(Friday late afternoon). We are told we might see snow showers later tonight but sun tomorrow.
Right now its down to 23° F after being in the 50-60s through the earlier half of the week. Not welcome warmth, but humid body aching humidity. If there is one thing I don't like it's high humidity.  But I do like Saturday 9 and as I sit here listening to the best of Henry Mancini and the Best of Burt Bacharach.. I will get on with the meme at hand.

Welcome to Saturday: 9
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What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

Miss Independent (2003)

Unfamiliar with this week's song. Hear it here. 

1) The song begins with Kelly describing a woman who is "independent" and "self-sufficient." Are you feeling especially independent and self-sufficient this morning? Or is there a particular task on your to-do list that you wish you had help with?
Generally  I am independent.
But, there are always tasks I could use help with.

2) Kelly especially enjoys that this song was a hit, because she had to argue with the record company to even include it on her album. Tell us about a time you're glad fought to get your way.
 Too many times to count really.

3) The video depicts a very lively party that spills from the house to the pool area. What's the last party you attended? Was it held indoors, outdoors, or did the revelers enjoy themselves both inside and outside?
It was inside  and in December. Everyone had a good time or so they said.

4)The party goers are playing with "silly string." Have you ever
indulged in a "silly string" battle?
No, never played with silly string. I don't foresee it happening anytime soon either.

5) Kelly Clarkson has a new daytime talk show. Who hosted the last entertainment talk show (as opposed to news) that you watched?
Probably one of the women on The View.. a show I hate for it's self righteous, hypocritical crap.  They talk over guests like screeching banshees shouting down opinions they don't like. Just can't stand them. Well, I don't like any talk shows on television at all. Even ones on radio can get old in a hurry because it's non stop criticism and fury.
6) Kelly Clarkson told a foodie website that one of her favorite foods is sushi (especially California rolls). She said she's surprised how fond she is of it, since as a kid, sushi is a food she wouldn't even try. Tell us about something you had to be convinced to try, or do, that you were surprised to find you enjoyed.
That has never happened to me, so I can't offer an answer.

7) In 2003, when "Miss Independent" was released, Microsoft and Sony were furiously competing for gamers' attention. Do you own Playstation or Xbox, neither or both?
I have an older playstation and played Final Fantasy and a Simpson's game on it.

8) Also in 2003, the best-selling cookbook was The King Arthur Flour Baker's Companion. It features foolproof recipes for old favorites like waffles, pancakes, flat breads and crackers. When you look for a new recipe, are you searching for an easier/better way to make something familiar, or are you more likely looking to try something new?
I like to find new things to make.
I am also looking for a meatloaf recipe that was created by Rene Verdon who was the White House chef for the Kennedy family.  It was the best meatloaf in the world.
The ingredients were seasoned salt, Italian bread crumbs, cream, eggs, ground feet, etc.  I lost it and forgot the amounts long ago.

9) Random question: Which has gotten you in more trouble  —love or money?
Love.  No more.. no more.


  1. I can't help you with that specific meatloaf recipe but the one from the old Betty Crocker cookbook. It has all of those ingredients but uses milk, not cream. It's the only meatloaf my family will eat and my uncle who loves meatloaf called it the best he'd ever had.

    1. Ps. This is Stacy. Commenting from my phone so not logged in to Blogger.

  2. We get the same weather patterns here in Long Island. My commute into the city on Friday was brutal because of the cold.

    I always find your answers interesting.

  3. I can't believe I can help you with this, since I know nothing about cooking, but you can find that cookbook on Amazon.

    I learned while working our library book sale that, as cookbooks go, it's considered an out-of-print gem. Hope this helps.

  4. Ha, screeching banshees/View women, LOLOL...I totally agree with that. I hope you have a great day, friend. smiles

  5. I do not watch The View for all of the reasons you listed! Hee, hee. Loved your answers! I hope you find your recipe! Have a nice weekend!

  6. Winter is , in my humble opinion , better viewed from the interior of a warm home with a hot cup of tea in hand ! Folks are surprised to see a much slimmer Me in Spring...having no idea how many layers it takes to keep me warm in winter !
    Wishing all your wishes come true , my friend !

  7. I have never watched The View. I don't turn the TV on during the daytime. But I am wondering why, if you dislike it so much, were you watching it?

    1. It was on in a doctor's waiting room. It was all there was and you couldn't help but see and hear it. I don't have television in my home.


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