Friday, August 28, 2020

Buttered Popcorn...

Howdy friends!
It's day number 7  again and time to play with questions.

From Sam: "Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love to answer the questions, however, and here is today's questions!"

Saturday 9: Buttered Popcorn (1961)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.   
 1) This Saturday, the treat's on Sam. Will you have buttered popcorn, caramel corn or cheese popcorn?
I like buttered popcorn with Brewer's Yeast on it. 

2) This record represents the Supremes as they are seldom heard. Florence Ballard is singing lead, with background vocals provided by Mary Wilson, Barbara Martin and Diane Ross. That's right, "Diane." Her parents meant for her to be named "Diane," and that's what old friends and family still call her, but the hospital mistakenly put her name down as "Diana." Motown execs thought "Diana Ross" had a better sound and the rest, as they say, is history. Do you often make typos? Or are you careful and precise at the keyboard?
Sometimes, of course.
3) Barbara Martin left the Supremes in 1962, before they reached stardom, because she was a new mom and wanted to stay home with her baby. Have you ever found yourself in the difficult position of having to choose between your personal and professional lives?
Sure, but I put the personal first always, even to my own detriment actually. I walked out on a job to get to my kids.
4) Florence Ballard's cousin, Hank, wrote the famous Chubby Checkers dance record, "The Twist." When did you last get on your feet and dance?
I try to dance every day at least a bit. I danced for many years and its something you never get out of your blood. Even when I was in a wheelchair, I danced and moved my feet.
5) Mary Wilson stayed with the group until it disbanded in 1977. She has said that one of her most memorable moments came in 1968, when the group performed for Princess Margaret. Mary recalled that the Princess loudly asked if Mary's hair was real or a wig. Mary was shocked, expecting better behavior from a royal. Tell us a time when someone's behavior shocked you.
Its happened a few times. It's usually friends who do it. 
 I'd have answered Margaret  this way.  "Why is that of concern to you Margie are you self conscious about your own hair and need a leg up on someone else?  By the way, have you sobered up from your latest booze and sex orgy? Still playing the family tart? What's your opinion  on your sister  having married  a nazi sympathizer whose sisters all married former SS men? Hmmm.. Tell us Margie. "
Here is a quote about Margaret one of her friends in an article in Biography:  
"Over the decades of her turbulent life, Margaret would go from belle of the ball to persona non grata, her bossy, difficult snappishness making even the most accomplished society hostess quake in her heels. “I have been at the same house parties as her and her arrogance, her petulance, her rudeness and her plain bad manners were awful...”
The articles goes on, "
Always clever, Margaret discovered perhaps her best party trick early on. She used royal protocol and its archaic rules to suit her whims and desires. At a party given in her honor in Paris in 1959, she took advantage of the long-standing rule that dinner could not begin until she arrived.
“Dinner was at 8:30 and at 8:30 Princess Margaret’s hairdresser arrived, so we waited for hours while he concocted a ghastly coiffure,” writer and aristocrat Nancy Mitford recalled. “She looked like a huge ball of fur on two well-developed legs.” The next day her bad behavior continued when she begged off a planned excursion, claiming a cold, only to spend the day in fittings with the House of Dior."
6) In 1961, when this song was released, the TV show Hazel premiered and was a top 5 hit for NBC. Oscar winner Shirley Booth played the title character, a very capable and lovable maid. If Crazy Sam could have a maid for just a few hours today, she'd love to have her refrigerator cleaned and kitchen cabinets organized. If you could have a pair of helping hands around your house this afternoon, what would you ask the maid to do? 
 This maid better work for free unless she is Irish in which case I will pay her triple the going rate;
I needed someone to take down drapes for me to wash. I got it done , they are washed, now

waiting to go back up.  I wash curtains and drapes every few months.   
Yesterday I also washed my 8 X 10 dining room carpet outside with a scrub brush and detergent, hosed it off and hung on the fence, then put it on the lawn to dry. Came out nicely. 
 I could have used more help with that for sure.
I'd have the maid wash my kitchen cabinets, my floors and the windows outside and inside. She can then get her butt up in the attic and straighten it all out. Oh and she can paint the bedrooms and mow the lawn too.  Front door needs repainting, my roof needs fixing and I need new floors throughout. Lazy girl better get moving , I want it done today.

7) Also in 1961, President John F. Kennedy appeared on the cover of Time as their Man of the Year. Are there any magazines in your home right now? If so, who is on the cover?
Yes. I have some old Seventeen Magazines from the 60s and a Redbook from 1960 that were my mother's.  I have no idea who is on the covers.
JFK would not be popular with today's crowd. He is with me though.
8) Ernest Hemingway died in 1961. Have you read any of his works?
Old Man and the Sea etc. Not a Hemingway fan.
9) Random question: How many pancakes are in the perfect stack? 
Any where from 4 to infinity,  I like pancakes made with club soda since it makes them extremely fluffy and light. Real buttermilk is nice in them too.

Recipe: Use any brand of pancake mix you like but replace the milk or water with club soda.
This makes them so fluffy you will hit yourself in the head with a  brick for not knowing about this sooner.  You can use this substitution with a box mix or your own homemade mix.


  1. I have never heard of club soda in pancakes. Now I want to eat some pancakes! I need to get to bed first.

  2. Interesting history about Margaret. I'm not really a royal watcher so I didn't know she was such a nasty person. Club soda...going to have to try that!

  3. I'm still giggling at the Pat Paulsen For President sticker! *lol* Haven't seen one of those for years.
    The Club Soda idea sounds grand. Since we're eating Keto (no carbs or sugar) my husband Steve makes our pancakes with Almond Flour and we use no sugar syrup. Very yummy and doesn't spike my blood-sugar.
    Enjoyed the post. :)

  4. Wait, what...Brewers yeast on popcorn? smiles.
    Have a great day friend.

  5. I might have to try the club soda. I never even buy club soda. I do not eat pancakes very often either. Loved you answers! Have a nice weekend.

  6. I've got a list for my maid, too. Too bad I'm my maid!

  7. That was interesting stuff about Princess Margaret. I had no idea. It is time for me to do my curtains as well. I try to do them each season and it's nearly time for the fall wash.

  8. Funny how we expect those in "high places" to behave perfectly . They are just people and holding them to higher expectations doesn't mean they will rise to disappointing .


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