z Cottage by the Sea : November! Yay!!!
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

November! Yay!!!

Welcome friends!
Welcome to Tuesday 4 begun by our friend Toni Taddeo and kept up in her memory.
This week let's talk about November!

1. Besides Thanksgiving is there anything about November you like/dislike?   I like everything about all the autumn months.. the "ber" months of September, October, November and December. They make up my favorite time of year. It all ends too quickly for me and if they could last all year I would be very happy indeed!  November is especially nice with its pumpkins, apples and warm filling meals.  

2. How is November weather where you live? Does it suit you? November here on the coast is chilly in the daytime and cold at night. Yes, it suits me just fine! I like cooler temperatures and would love them to stay around all year long.
3. When do you plan for Thanksgiving? Eat home or out? Menu?    We eat at home and the menu is always traditional.. turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, green bean casserole, Indian corn pudding, candied  yams, and sausage and sage stuffing.  Dessert is pumpkin pie, apple pie, chocolate cream pie and pecan pies.
4. When do you begin your decor and plans for Christmas. It "officially" begins after Thanksgiving and the Macy's Parade when Santa arrives at the end.   My tree is already up and has been since last year due to a very sad situation.  I will take down the ornaments and the ribbons and redo it just before Thanksgiving this year.   We certainly need a little Christmas this year!


  1. I love the fireplace and song at the end! Yes, "we need a little Christmas" right now. But I will wait until after Thanksgiving to start the Christmas carols and decorations. Your Thanksgiving dinner sounds very much like ours, except for the Indian Pudding. That seems to be a "New England" tradition that we enjoyed when we lived up there, but someone else always made it and brought it. I have never learned how. I do hope you will have a very blessed and beautiful Thanksgiving this year. Will your new roof be done by then? I've been praying for it to happen for you for a long time, and was so happy to hear that it was finally going to happen. That is definitely something to be thankful for! Please take care and enjoy your "ber" months! They are my favorites too!

  2. I'm a fan of the "ber" months too. I even like January, February and early March.
    We always eat our Thanksgiving at home, just the two of us. Since we gave up sugar neither of us like turkey anymore (don't know why). So, we're planning on having a whole oven roasted hen with keto dressing and a casserole. Yum yum.
    Blessings. xx

  3. Hi Annie, So what is corn pudding? Sounds interesting. I keep a pencil thin tree up all year and decorate it seasonally. I enjoyed the music video and this meme.

  4. I agree, we all need a little Christmas cheer, thanks Annie for that thought. smiles

  5. There is something cheery and hopeful about vintage Christmas music , especially now that I am "vintage" , too !
    I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving - gathering with my special family and bringing the appetizers (both those annually requested and new ones) ! The day after , the Christmas decorations are unearthed and gleefully installed !
    Wishing you all good things , my friend , now and always !!!

  6. Hi Annie!

    I like the fall but not the colors. Except for yellow and red and light greens. I have my house decorated for fall but I’m ready for Christmas colors of blues, greens, white and red. Those are my colors. It’s so cold here. We had our first snow yesterday here in North Idaho. We usually have the traditional thanksgiving at home. However mom passed away and the kids are all in CALIFORNIA so we may go out this year. I need a break from the norm and it’s sad to not have mom here or the kids either. But we love it here and made lots of new friends. Maybe you will share the story why your tree is still up. Have a Happy day!

  7. I love the "ber" months as well and all the beautiful colors. Not a sign of Christmas around here but pretty much all of my shopping is done. I do little decorating any more, it's more touches of the seasons than full fledged decorating. I do hope you will have a wonderful Thanksgiving and Christmas.

  8. Enjoyed your answers Ann. I'm just now getting around to visiting everyone..uggh.


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