Saturday, September 17, 2022

In & Out of Love

A quiet end of summer days with chilly mornings announcing the coming of autumn is becoming the norm. My heat kicked on this morning and it was very cold last night.

We still need more rain but none is forecast for the foreseeable future.  We had a very rainy spring though.  It is sunny and in the low 70ºF  here on Friday as I write but it was 48° F last night.   
It is still chilly in the house and it's making me a bit sleepy this afternoon. Nap time or coffee time?  I bought
some Folgers Black Silk coffee which is very nice and light.  I am enjoying it a lot.

Saturday 9: In and Out of Love (1967)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune?     Hear it HERE.

1) In this song, Diana Ross is disappointed that she hasn't yet found lasting love. Do you think you can fall out of love? Or do you believe that if you fell out of love, it wasn't true love to begin with?
You can fall out of love especially when someone turns out to be a bad person.  Then what you loved no longer exists.  There is a difference in the feeling of love and the practice of love.  In practice you love by actively taking care of someone.  The feeling is what you can fall out of but the other is something you do. 

2) When is the last time you literally fell, tripped, or stumbled?
Yesterday when going out for my mail. I tripped over my own feet I think.
3) This record was a hit with American Bandstand viewers. For weeks it was voted the song they most wanted to dance to. Did you watch American Bandstand?
My mother and grandmother watched it.  It was on TV and I saw it as a kid but I was not the fan , they were!
4) This is one of the last Supremes songs that featured the most successful hit-making line-up: Diana Ross, Mary Wilson, and Florence Ballard. Florence's great-nephew, Christian Ballard, was a football star at University of Iowa and briefly played pro ball for the Vikings. The 2022-23 NFL season just kicked off. What team do you root for?
I am not a fan of football really.  My mother was the sports nut in our family and was crazy for the Yankees in baseball and the NY Giants football and the Phillies in Philadelphia.
coming autumn
5) Mary had a connection to sports, too. She donated her time and talent to raising money for Figure Skaters of Harlem, an organization that helps young people train for the Winter Olympics.   Tell us about a charity you support.
I support St. Jude because of their work with children with cancer.  From what I know they do wonderful work.

6) There's a children's playground in New York's Central Park named for the last surviving member of this trio, Diana Ross. It has swings, slides, a rope bridge, and a fountain that kids are welcome to splash in. If you were suddenly little again, which would you play on first?
Swings. I really enjoy swinging. 
7) Diana owns an estate in Greenwich, CT, with lush gardens, a tennis court, and a pool. While the grounds are spectacular, she maintains the house itself is "nothing special" because the kitchen hasn't been renovated in more than three decades. Could your kitchen benefit from a makeover? Or are you fine with it as it is?
My kitchen needs repair work.   My sink is falling through the badly installed counter top which is about 30 or so years old.  The counter top is warped and the  porcelain sink is rusting through on the bottom and sides quite badly.  I am not big on renovating to keep up with the times unless you are rich with money to burn. 

8) In 1967, when this song was popular, the best-selling camera was The Polaroid Swinger. When did you most recently take a photo?
What was it of?
I took a  kind of blurry photo of trees and vines in the yard turning red and ferns growing yellow.

9) Random question: Come clean! Are there dirty dishes in your sink right now?

No. My terrible rusty old sink is perfectly clean.   


  1. Yes! I agree with #1 and said basically the same thing, but you said it better, I think.

  2. #8 Because of the drought this summer all the trees are stressed and turning early. There will not be a good fall for the leaf peepers.

  3. Sounds like you do need a bit of repair work in your kitchen. That kind of stuff is a hassle.

  4. Yes, the swing. I can fit in a swing, but have no "padding" to make it fun. Love your background and header!

  5. I loved the old Jungle Gym but alas it went the way of most old things I enjoyed as a kid... too dangerous! But I survived!! :)


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