cloudy cold night |
My birthday is on the 25th, the day after Thanksgiving. My youngest daughters birthday is the 22nd. The Famous Anonymous is December 1 and the Little is January 7th the Orthodox Christmas.
I am taking my family out for dinner (not birthday related, just for a chance to be with family) sometime this weekend when everyone is available. It's been a long time.
The weather here has been lovely though chilly, but then I love chilly weather.
In upstate NY they are getting thunder snow tonight! So rare. but exciting in the winter. Weathermen are saying they have never seen anything like it.
I am joining in with Skywatch Friday and of course Friday photos though no one hosts it anymore.
The creek becomes the sky's mirror. |
- Shannon L. Alder |
Lovely pics! I hope you have a wonderful time with your family! Sounds like fun. And I hope you get some snow! Be sure to take some pictures and show it to us southern gals!! Happy Weekend! snow here in Florida. Although it is currently 45*, wishing all a very Happy Birthdays.