z Cottage by the Sea : If You Think It's Over...
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, March 31, 2023

If You Think It's Over...

sad Saturday... see the bottom of post for reason why. Rainy Saturday as well.

"Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love to answer the questions, however, and here is today's questions!"

Saturday 9: Fool (If You Think It's Over) (1978)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune?    Hear it  Here

1) Do you have any pranks planned for April Fool's Day? 
No.  I didn't even remember that it is April Fool's Day and I was never very interested in it at all. 

2) When Crazy Sam was a little girl, she once pranked her mother by putting bubble wrap under the bath mat so Mom heard a POP when she stepped on it. When you find bubble wrap, can you resist popping it?
It is a lot of fun to pop it but, yes, I can resist because its reuseable.

3) This week's song is about a wise man counseling a heartbroken younger person. Chris Rea, who wrote and performs this song, says it was inspired by watching his kid sister endure her first breakup. Were you in love at 17? Do you remember the object of your affections?
Yes.  I was very much in love at 17.  Yes, I remember him and realize that, as my daughter said, I dodged a bullet!    Looking back I realize he was not worth my time.
4) She's dressed in black as she mourns the end of her romance. Does your wardrobe include a lot of black?
 Yes. I like black, dark navy and lipstick red, emerald green, royal blues.  I am a 'winter'.

5) He offers to treat her to her first glass of good wine. Do you prefer white or red?
German white wine.  But I am allergic to grapes so I cannot drink wine or grape juice at all.
6) Chris' own teenage romance was highly successful. He met Joan Lesley while still in school and they have been married since 1968. Whose was the most recent wedding you have attended?
My youngest son's.
7) Chris Rea is a passionate race car fan and once worked as a pit mechanic for a Formula One race. Do you watch auto racing?
I have watched but it's not a big interest of mine.
8) In 1978, when this song was popular, Laverne and Shirley was America's #1 TV show. It's still available via cable and streaming today. Are/were you a fan?
I watched it because it was one of the only things on TV really but, I wasn't crazy about the show.

9) Random question: What are you grateful for this morning?
Life.   This morning my daughter had to put down the second dog of a duo she adopted about 7 years ago.   No one wanted them and even their owners refused to come get them from the zoo where they were being held.   But she wanted them!    Both dogs, Thor and Hercules had the best lives possible with her family and were dearly loved by us all.   Thor developed a very deadly and painful cancer this past month and had to be put to sleep and now, today, Hercules follows him across the rainbow bridge as he has come down with a deadly brain cancer and cannot go on.   I will dearly miss my grand puppies so so much.
Here is their adoption video.


  1. I don't like to play pranks. I feel like they're mean spirited and I just don't go there.
    I'm a "fall" kinda clothing person. My favorites are oranges, browns, dark yellows, etc.
    Gosh, I'd be dead if I was allergic to grapes 'cause I like my wine! *lol* For white it's Woodbridge Sauvignon Blanc, for red it's Woodbridge Pinot Noir. They're "low" in sugar and thus keto friendly. xx

  2. Aw...what sweet pups! Enjoy your reward in heaven boys.

  3. So sorry about the dogbabies, it's hard to lose a pet. My Willie Dog crossed Rainbow Bridge in 2009 and I still think of him often.

  4. It is so sad to lose a pet. I remember when you lost your cat. I did not know you had a son. I don't know anyone that is allergic to grapes. I love to eat grape! Have a great weekend!

  5. I am so sad about your daughter having to put down the family pet/member (and yes, its a member of the family)...so sad...I wish I could hug her and your family, Annie.

  6. #1 I’m not a fan of April Fools jokes either.
    #5 Wow, I didn’t know that you could be allergic to wine.
    #9 When I was around 10 we had to put our dog down (He fought a raccoon and lost) and it was so emotional that I never had a pet again, I spent over a day crying and didn’t come out of my room.

  7. I am sorry about your grand doggies. That's sad.


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