z Cottage by the Sea : I Won't Be the One to Let Go
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Saturday, April 22, 2023

I Won't Be the One to Let Go

Happy Weekend!  I hope it's going well for you so far.  

Manilow and Streisand
Saturday 9: I Won't Be the One to Let Go (2002)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune?        Hear it here.

1) Barbra Streisand begins by singing about dreams and wishes. What are you wishing for this morning?  That the lawn mower/yard cleaner guy will be reasonable in price.
2) Barry Manilow sings that "anytime you need me, you'll know where I am." If a friend needs you,
what's the best way to reach you (text, phone call, email, knock on the front door ...)?
 Stand on a mountain and yell loudly or use smoke signals.

3) Both of this week's artists are from Brooklyn. In addition to Barry and Barbra, Brooklyn is home to Coney Island, where America's first roller coaster debuted in 1884. Do you enjoy amusement park rides? If yes, do you have a favorite?
Not really.    I used to like the Merry-go-round at Asbury Park.   I went to Coney Island once as a kid. I think many rides are dangerous for your neck and spine.

4) Barbra and her husband, actor James Brolin, have lived in the same Malibu home for more than 25 years. How long have you been in your current residence? Do you think you'll be moving anytime soon?
32 years.  No. I don't think I will be moving soon. 

Reagan Ranch

5) Barry Manilow once lived in luxurious Bel Air. His neighbors were former President and Mrs. Reagan. At first he thought it would be great to have the Reagans nearby but quickly changed his mind because he disliked the Secret Service helicopters flying overhead. Tell us about one of your neighbors. (No pressure; we don't expect to hear about historic figures.)

 I have kind neighbors. One mowed my lawn a few times  and fixed my furnace  and one lady will help bring in my wheelie bin garbage when it's empty. I never asked her,she knows I am disabled and just does it.   My son takes it out for me dropping by on Sunday night with dinner for me and to take it out to the street.

elevator operator
6) As a teenager, Barbra worked as a switchboard operator. Her job consisted of connecting calls by inserting phone plugs into the appropriate jacks. As telephoning became automated, these jobs were phased out and by 1983, the switchboard operator was obsolete. Can you think of another occupation that used to be common but doesn't exist anymore?
Elevator operator.. which made it safer I think.  Bell boy: "Call for Philip Morris".  

7) Loyal Fanilows can subscribe to ManilowTV. For $9.95/month, fans can watch exclusive content, like interviews and concert performances. Do you more often watch live broadcast TV or streamed content?
Streamed and  I especially watch YouTube movies and TV.

8) In 2002, the year this recording was released, the Sears Wish Book offered seven different collectible Barbies.  According to Mattel, the doll's manufacturer, there are more than 100,000 Barbie collectors all over the world. Do you collect anything?
Not anymore.  It's just more clutter and crap in the long run.  I used to have some music boxes.

9) Random question: Are you exclusively an online/ATM bank customer, or do you often go into the branch and interact with a teller?
I go to the bank.

Just cuz...


  1. It seems we all remembered the elevator operator. They were part of a kinder, gentler time. I have gotten rid of a lot of collections or at least whittled them down a good bit and stopped adding to them. The older I get, the less I like the busyness of a lot of "stuff."

  2. Elevator operator … they actually have them at Citi Field during the games. But I can’t think of any other place.

  3. Grinning...love the cartoon at the end. Have a beautiful rest of your day, Annie.


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