Friday, July 7, 2023


Will the ocean breezes push the rain offshore again? We could use some rain but that is what seems to be happening. Humidity here has climbed to the heights.. always a bad thing as it makes any
temperature terrible, high or low!  It was 85 at midday today but because of humidify it was 106F.  Saturday will be 84 with a real feel of 95F.   That's  just not right.  I protest!
UV index is 10 at the shore(very hight), ocean temperature is between 75 and 81F. Winds are from the southeast at 5-13mph.  

Saturday 9: Mercy (2013)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune?   Hear it here.   I have never heard of Shawn Mendes before.
1) In this song, Shawn Mendes pleads with the girl he loves to be careful with his heart. Clearly he feels she's more important to him than he is to her. Do you believe that, in every relationship, someone always loves more?
Yes, I do think that is true.  Love is something you do, not just a feeling. Some people are able to do good more than others.   I think it is harder for men and I think the bible backs this up quite a bit as do many books on psychology.

2) He says that he'd willingly drive through the night just to be near her.  Do you enjoy your time behind the wheel?  Or do you consider driving necessary but not necessarily pleasurable?
I never liked driving.  
3) He acknowledges that she has good intentions, but she hurt him anyway. Can you think of a time when you unintentionally hurt someone's feelings?
 Yes, I can think of two times. Neither of which was meant to do any harm at all.   People, however, are very self concerned and defensive of self.  This makes being offended very easy for some.  Of course I apologized because if a person is hurt, they are hurt, intentional or not. 

4) Shawn Mendes was a serious skateboarder during his high school years. Crazy Sam admits she's never even been on a skateboard. How about you? Are you more like Shawn or Sam, or are you somewhere in between? 
In between.

5) While in his teens, he taught himself to play guitar while watching YouTube videos. Do you spend a lot of time on YouTube? If yes, what type of videos do you watch most often?
I spend some time watching old movies on YouTube and videos on anthropology, religion and history.  I also have classes on YouTube.
6) When he's traveling or busy working, Shawn eats cold cereal for every meal -- breakfast, lunch and dinner. He says it's fast, tasty, and better than the fast food he'd grab otherwise. Will you be getting any meals "to go" this weekend?
 Eating out is rare for me and I never eat fast food at all.

7) In 2016, the year this song was popular, Game of Thrones was TV's hottest show. Were you a fan?   Games of Thrones was disgust!ng and  obscene in parts with nud!ty, and
violent sex.  It was hardly what you would call something God would want his people to watch.    No, I was not a fan of that junk.  

8) Also in 2016, a German shorthaired pointer won Best in Show at the Westminster Dog Show. Tell us about a dog who holds a special place in your heart.
They all hold a special place.  

9) Random question: What's the subject line of the top email in your spam folder?   I just never look at my email let alone the spam folder.  No one sends me email and so I don't send much of it either.  I am a shy person really and don't feel anyone would really want to be bothered by me anyway.


  1. In ref. to #9, ohhhhhhhhhhh I don't know... I would like hearing from you, smiles. Have a great day... Annie. smiles

  2. #8 My brother and his wife just got a senior rescue dog, they joke a senior dog for seniors.
    I have always loved the seagulls floating around on your page.

  3. I am glad I did not watch Game of Thrones. I bet you save a lot of money by not eating out.


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