z Cottage by the Sea : Storyworth
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Sunday, September 10, 2023


Anniversary for my blog? Yes, I missed it. The blog in its current form is 19 years old, 20 from it's original form. Happy Anniversary Bloggy!   It's a week or two late but I put out the balloon and the lights on my beach chair above to celebrate.

Welcome to Sunday Stealing.    This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves.

1. What’s the best beach or lake day you can remember?   
 There have been so many hundreds of days on the beach, days at lakes  that it is hard to choose.  Most of them were just wonderful and I've spent hundreds of hours on the beach and swimming in the ocean.  I am not too fond of swimming in lakes though.
2. Describe your ideal picnic lunch
  Egg salad sandwiches,  Hot dogs,  potato salad , chips, etc.
3. What flowers are in your bouquet?
I love football mums. So I want football mums with some greenery.   Back when I got married I had
white orchids and stephanotis which was beautiful.   
4. Silly ways to pass the time during a snowstorm
  Playing games like Charades, Trivia, or Mad Libs and drinking hot chocolate or tea and making a big pot of Beef Stew or Boeuf Bourguignon or Chili con Carne made with some Kahlua. Some crusty French or Italian bread with lots of butter.

5. The most beautiful house you’ve ever visited.
My Aunt's split level home.  It was small but nicely arranged but mainly it was her beautiful taste in décor that made the house so wonderful.
She was born in the Netherlands and loved Delft. I inherited that love from her.  The kitchen in the house was done with delft tiles.  I adored the place so much that now I have Delft handles on my kitchen cupboards.
6. Best place you ever dined.
 It is a toss up between the Russian Tea Room and Delmonico's in NY City.   Both are 5 star restaurants with food that is so delicious!   Delmonico's was featured in the movie Life with Father. It opened in the 1880's and was renowned for it's steaks. It closed now ,, government shut downs destroyed it but the steaks were as big as a plate and as tender as butter.
The Russian Tea Room .. featured in the movie  Tootsie, has wonderful Russian food as well as some standard fare but believe me, nothing is standard in taste!   Nothing is standard in the bill either. You will drop a cool $300 for two people if you order modestly.  I don't order modestly.  

Roman Pantry Cheesesteak.
Now, if you are talking just plain old good times.. I have had marvelous times at Johnny G's Italian restaurant here in New Jersey. Lovely people, good food, lots of fun. Like eating with family really.

Also good are French fried hot dogs in North Jersey.... You can get the very best Philly cheesesteak (huge) at the Roman Pantry in  Carney's Point. Bruce Willis eats there...its a deli with take out too.

. How many layers to your ice cream sandwich.  
Just 3.  I like the traditional ice cream sandwich!  I did learn to love ice cream filled Belgian Waffles at the New York World's Fair though.  The chunk of ice cream was huge and thick and the waffles were very good.    We kids used to hang out at that fare all year long while it lasted.  The Belgian Village was a favorite.
I make Belgian waffles for breakfast on the holidays.

8. Pretty things which are faux patent leather
 Mary Jane shoes.

9. What is the best way to eat chocolate.
In a Snicker's bar or in Turtles or drizzled over vanilla ice cream in a Sundae.
10. Describe your unicorn’s special magic
My unicorn takes me to many times and places. It gives me a magic smite button with which I zap the bad guys  My unicorn is invincible and makes me invincible too.
11. All the fruits in your fruit salad.
Cherries, Banana, blackberries, pineapple, kiwi, honeydew.
12. Describe the soil, grass, trees, flowers and rocks in your magical forest.
Soil is rich and black, the grass stays short and manicured all year long.  Cedar, sugar maple, Balsam pine and Noble Fir grow. The flowers are Johnny Jump ups, wild orchid, violets, mountain pinks galore.   I am too lazy tonight to describe so I am just listing what they are.
13. The lyrics which move you the most are:

   And did those feet in ancient time,
Walk upon England's mountains green:
And was the holy Lamb of God,
On England's pleasant pastures seen!  

And did the Countenance Divine,
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here,
Among these dark Satanic Mills?

Bring me my Bow of burning gold:
Bring me my Arrows of desire:
Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold:
Bring me my Chariot of fire!

I will not cease from Mental Fight,
Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand:
Till we have built Jerusalem,
In England's green & pleasant Land.
This song brings me to tears every single time.  

 14. What are the best sauces in the world? 
Mornay,  Bordelaise, Belgian Andalouse,  Chipotle Chili Lime, a good spaghetti sauce
15. Write a haiku about nature
 No, I will just post one that I love by Basho and have posted before on my Haiku Wednesdays.

In A Temple Garden :

"The old pond is silent;  now the hop of a frog
plumbs the evening stillness...
haiku by basho


  1. I LOVE your dining choices, though I have never been to either!

  2. Grinning...you always find a way as to make me smile, Annie. Hmm...I got think on my unicorn, grin. Have a beautiful day friend.

  3. What a beautiful post and I love the balloons in your banner! Happy blogging! I always love reading your blog!

  4. Oh my! This was amazing. I need to listen to that song right after I finish typing here. I love Delft also, but really don't have any. I do have blue and white Currier and Ives dishes that I love. I love your imaginary responses about the unicorn and the woods and trees and flowers, etc. It all sounds so lovely and dreamy. Happy 20 years of blogging! I didn't know blogs existed 20 years ago. Mine started in 2010, so I have a way to go to catch up with you. I love your balloons and always your beautiful headers. Lady of many talents!!! This was delightful on a Sunday afternoon!

  5. Okay, I just listened to the song...I've never heard it before. Amazing. Not sure I totally understand its history. I may need to research this, but it is truly beautiful!! Thank you for sharing it with us.

  6. Thoroughly enjoyed this post !!!
    #10 made me laugh ! I am not permitted to have a magic wand , as the SMITE button would be over-used...sigh...(but justifiably so...)

    1. just listened to "Jerusalem"...so moving...thank you !


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