z Cottage by the Sea : Shambala

Friday, February 23, 2024


Saturday 9 from Sam Winters... always a lot of fun.
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 Shambala (1973)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This week's song refers to the mythical kingdom of Shambala. Can you think of another song that mentions to faraway, mythical land?
Puff the Magic Dragon has a magical land where Puff lives.
There are also two songs named Shangri-La. One by the Kinks and one by Electric Light Orchestra.

2) "Shambala" is performed by Three Dog Night. The name is derived from an Aboriginal Australian legend. In the outback, hunters would sleep with a dog beside them. If it was very cold, they would sleep between two dogs. If it was freezing -- you guessed it -- it was a three dog night. Was it cold last night where you are?
Yes, about a 2 dog night in the 30's F.  But, no thanks. No dogs on the bed please.

3) The lead singer is the late Cory Wells. Early in his career he was a member of the house band at the famous Sunset Strip nightclub Whiskey-A-Go-Go. Cory was a bit of an anomaly at "The Whiskey" because of his sober lifestyle. When did you most recently enjoy an adult beverage?
Long time ago.  I am just not into it.

4) Bandmate Danny Hutton auditioned to be a member of The Monkees TV show. He didn't get the part. While he was a talented singer-songwriter, NBC was looking for musicians who could also act. Have you ever fantasized about a career as a performer?
Yes but not very seriously. 

5) Brian Wilson of The Beach Boys was an early supporter of Three Dog Night's. What's your favorite Beach Boys song?
Surf City, New Jersey

So  many of them. We surfed when I was a teen so their songs were meaningful to us. 
I liked Surf City, Fun Fun Fun, In My Room.. too many to list really.

6) In 1973, when this song was popular, one of the best-selling toys Curious George plush doll packaged with a Curious George book. Can you recall a favorite book from your childhood?
I liked the book Heidi by Johanna Spyri

7) The Exorcist was in theaters, terrifying audiences. It's still ranked among the scariest movies of all time. Have you seen it? Did it scare you?
No. I don't want to see movies like that. 

8) Roller skates were a big seller in 1973. While most rinks had skates available for rent, committed skaters had their own pair. Are you better on roller skates or ice skates?
Ice Skates for sure.  
9) Random question -- Here's $100. What will you spend it on?
 I will add  more money to it and take my  family out to dinner and a movie.


  1. Dinner and a movie sounds like fun! Is there a Beach Boy's song that isn't good?

  2. Heidi was my favorite book when I was growing up! I wanted to be Heidi....or Polyanna! lol

  3. Heidi is a good book. I haven't read it in many years.

  4. Three Dog Night was one of my fav groups in the 70s, along with The Monkee's etc. All those songs bring back memories.
    I stay away from horror also. I didn't use to and wish I'd never watched any of them. They don't please God.
    Blessings. xx


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