z Cottage by the Sea : Saturday 9 : The Addams Family
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Saturday 9 : The Addams Family

Each week Sam supplies us with themed  or random questions to answer.
 It's a lot of fun.
On this chilly November day, here is my version.
The Addams Family

The Addams Family (1964)

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) One of TV's spookiest families was inspired by a series of New Yorker cartoons. What's the last magazine you flipped through?

I like the New Yorker magazine. But the latest I flipped through was a 1963 Seventeen magazine.

2) The Addams' butler, Lurch, was originally conceived as a mute. But then actor Ted Cassidy ad libbed the line, "You rang?" and Lurch had a voice, and a catchphrase. Can you think of another catchphrase connected to a TV character?

 Homer Simpson's : "Doh!" 
 Joe Friday:             "Just the facts, ma'm"
 Hawaii Five O :     "Book 'em Dano!"

The Munsters
3) Now here's the most important question of the week: Do you prefer The Addams Family or The
Yes, this really is an important question.
I thought the Munsters was  a nicer program as it always had nice values and Herman, the father, was a good  and gentle man.

4) What's the scariest movie you've ever seen?
Village of the Damned.  I hated it.  I think horror films are the result of  abandonment of morality and repentance in human culture.

I can still remember leaving the theater with my girlfriend Vivian.  It was about 4PM , growing dark and it was foggy and cold outside on a fall day.  It just seemed so creepy after seeing that film. It was the last and only one I ever saw. It  was awful and I don't think it's good to fill your head with that sort of junk.

 5) Thursday was Halloween. What goodies did you give the trick or treaters?

Originally I had planned on individual bags of chips, but, I ended up buying a large huge bag of mixed candies.  They went over very well. There are a lot left though there were tons of kids.

6) Are you attending/have you attended any Halloween parties this year?

No parties. Just me handing out candy to visitors.

7) Did you carve a jack o'lantern this year?

No. But I do have a happy faced electric pumpkin.

8) Do you eat candy corn all year around ... only at Halloween ... or never?

I don't eat candy or sweets of any kind. But when I did, I loved candy corn.

9) In 1964, when The Addams Family premiered, one of the most popular store-bought Halloween costumes was Bambi. It came with a plastic mask held on by a thin elastic band. Tell us about a memorable Halloween costume from your childhood.

For dress up, my mother sewed a gorgeous Martha Washington dress for me complete with hoops. It was wonderful. 

Tomorrow is Sunday Stealing, so join us.


  1. Your Martha Washington costume sounds grand!

    I think old magazines are intriguing. I love the ads.

  2. Oh, I bet flipping through that 1963 Seventeen was a hoot!
    I'm with you on the horror films, though I've seen a few more than you over the years. I just don't get the "fun" of seeing how many ways there are to dismember the human body. (((shudder))) And yeah, there are a few I will never, ever sit through because I think there's a much darker connection...The Exorcist, Amityville Horror, etc.

    How could I have forgotten "Book'em Dano"?

  3. Well...my post went poof into thin air, sigh...anyways...I think the Omen was the one movie that made me scared. I am so over watching scary movies.

    ANYWAYS--LOVE THE NEW LOOK HERE! (I betcha heard me squealing, lololol). Have a great day friend.

  4. I would love to see you in the costume.. Mother's are so wonderful!!! YOur new blog look is gorgeous!

  5. Wow. A costume complete with hoops. Hard to compete with that one. And where did you find a 1963 Seventeen? That's the year I was born - I'd love to see what was going on!

  6. I remember the Munsters. I used to enjoy the show after school long ago. You are one of the few people I know of who got a lot of children at your door for Hallowe'en treats. Where I live mostly the kids now go to parties where they will be safe with good chaperones and often their parents too. Also, parents take them to the malls mainly and to all the businesses. I wish I was like you and didn't partake in candy and sweets. I've always had a sweet tooth though I do have my limits ;-)

  7. p.s. The one scary movie (and the last one I saw) that really frightened me was "The Shining". I went with a group of classmates. We were all adults and every one of us was very jumpy on the walk back at night to our dorm rooms.


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