z Cottage by the Sea : 01/19

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Tuesday 4 is about TV!

Hello friends!
Here it is Tuesday already and it was just Friday! What happened?
It does seem that time is very fast lately. When I was a kid a year was eternal!

I am joining in with Toni for her Tuesday 4 Meme. I hope you will as well. It is so much fun when a lot of people join in.
I found these questions harder than usual since I am not a big TV fan.

Name 1 Or More

1.   Name a TV series show or shows in which you have seen every episode at least twice:
      It could be either  Gossip Girl or Pretty Little Liars.

2.   Name a show or shows you can't or would not miss:
      Gossip Girl and Pretty Little Liars are two shows that I watched pretty regularly.Also  Lost  series was one I didn't miss.  ( I was so very disappointed in how Lost turned out! What a let down.)   
       Right now, I  can take or leave most TV. I find most programs uninteresting. I used to like HGTV but they ruined that channel removing the gardening and decor programs in favor of real estate.
3.   Name an actor or actors that would make you more inclined to  watch a show:
       Robert Duvall, Terry O'Quinn, Michael Emerson, Tom Selleck, probably a few more I can't think of right now.

4.   Name an actor or actors who would make you less likely to watch a show:
      Too many to name.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Conversation Starters.. Sunday Stealing

What in the world is the weather up to? It was cold yesterday and now way up in the high 40s F today and the weatherman says it will plunge back down toward the middle of the week. Temperatures should stay put and be seasonal, do you agree?  

What are some small things that make your day better?
Playing a game, reading the news,working on my courses.

What shows are you into?
I like watching old episodes of Agatha Christie dramas or film noir.

What TV channel doesn’t exist but really should?
The old HGTV channel before it was the real estate channel. They had decorating programs , gardening programs like Suzie Coelho, etc. that were very good. 
Now its just an advertisement for real estate all the time. Its awful.

Who has impressed you most with what they’ve accomplished?
My kids who are very successful in life.

What age do you wish you could permanently be?

What TV show or movie do you refuse to watch?
The list would be very long.

What is something that is considered a luxury, but you don’t think you could live without?
I am not sure what it would be.

What’s your claim to fame?
I can see situations from beginning to end and am usually correct about what is going on. I often know when someone is going to die.

What’s something you like to do the old-fashioned way?
House work, etc.

What’s your favorite genre of book or movie?
Mystery and biography for books, romance or adventure for movies.

How often do you people watch?
Rarely to never. I do not like intruding on other people's privacy that way. 

What have you only recently formed an opinion about?
Aspects of certain  religions.

What are you interested in that most people haven’t heard of?
 Aspects of history and anthropology and religion that most don't know about.

What’s the farthest you’ve ever been from home?
35,000 miles up in the air.

What is the most heartwarming thing you’ve ever seen?
Probably too many things to mention or recall.

What is the most annoying question that people ask you?
It is annoying and ruse when people ask personal questions of you in public. 
Why I am doing something, wearing something, etc is none of anyone's business.

What could you give a 40-minute presentation on with absolutely no preparation?
Religion, anthropology, history, archaeology.

If you were dictator of a small island nation, what crazy dictator stuff would you do?
Well, most of these are not crazy per se,but....

I would ban lobbying by foreign nations. It is obscene and creates bought off politicians.
I would never take one cent of foreign aid . The borrower is slave to the lender. If your nation must take foreign aid, perhaps you should consider not being a nation. If you cannot support your own nation, become a vassal state of the USA and admit you have failed.  Isn't it kind of like a young couple getting married but lacking any way to make a living and support themselves, so mommy and daddy have to support the young couple?  If you are not financially independent you are not ready for marriage.  If you can't support your own nation, you shouldn't be one.   Hint, hint to the nations the USA supports to the tune of billions every year.

Charity begins at home. Until all my citizens are gainfully employed or taken care of if they cannot work,no non-citizen can have a job. 
 No company on the island can import workers to take the jobs of my citizens. (take that  Disney.. you suck big time after firing American workers and replacing them with cheap foreign labor and forcing them to train their own replacements. It would be a cold day in hell before I would give one cent of my money to Disney World or Land or their crappy movies.)

Compound interest and usury are forbidden on the island.
You must be an island citizen to own a home or land. Foreigners are not allowed to own anything on the island. They can rent temporarily but nothing permanent.

I would never allow lists of  "felons" to be posted around thus removing the ability to change, repent or allowing for the chance that many are falsely accused.

I would ban extreme weather, cruise ships and pollution!

I would put those who write "could of" in prison for 4 years hard labor at English lessons since they obviously slept through English class before.
Ditto for those who think that "the both of us" is proper English. It is "both of us", no article is used.
 Amazon and its slave labor conditions and products are banned from the island as is Nike and etc.

What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their lives?

They should seriously try to be kindly, good and honest.

Enjoy your day, friends.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

I Simply Remember My Favorite Things...

Another week has flown by! It was either very rainy or very sunny with little in between. Saturday will be cold and partly sunny with a high of around 35F.

Saturday is also time for Saturday 9 , so let's get started.

Saturday 9: My Favorite Things (2018)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This week's artist, Jennie Abrahamson, is very happy living in Stockholm, but she refers to Paris as "a flirt." She enjoys her time there so much she always wants to return. Is there a place you've visited that tugs at your heart and imagination, tempting you to return?
 Yes, Prince Edward Island in Canada
Prince Edward Island

 2) Jennie has said her music has been heavily influenced by 80s pop, which was popular in her early teen years. Are your favorite songs the ones you listened to when you were growing up?

Yes,mostly the music my mother listened to and old music I heard on the radio.

3) "My Favorite Things" is from The Sound of Music. Crazy Sam's high school claim to fame was playing Sister Margaretta in the senior class production. Though not a big part, her performance lives on because relatives love embarrassing her with pictures of her in an especially unflattering nun's habit. Who took an embarrassing photo of you? What were you doing?
Don't recall any that were embarrassing really

4) The lyrics celebrate "brown paper packages tied up in strings." What was in the last box you received in the mail?
It was just a brown cardboard box but no paper and no string, contained some supplies I needed.

5) It mentions doorbells and sleigh bells. What's the most recent bell or alarm that you heard?
The chimes on my clocks.

6) This song has nice things to say about cold weather, specifically snowflakes and mittens. What do you like about winter?
Just about everything. I love bundling up in coats and scarves and being all warm and cozy outside in the icy cold air! I love the snow, the wind, the bright days, the crisp, fresh air.

7) Dog bites and bee stings are singled out as things that can leave us feeling sad. What's most recently given you the blues?
I don't recall really.  Not happy about the news most of the time but, that's life.

8) In 2018, when this song was released, Roger Federer won the Australian Open. Are you good with a racket?
I was marginal at tennis.

9) Random question -- Your local zoo announced the hatching of three snowy owlets. All males. You won the honor of naming them. Go ahead.

Huey, Dewey and Zachery. 

 Until Sunday and Sunday Stealing... take care!

Friday, January 25, 2019

It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood...

You don't have to travel or go far from home to find things to photograph and see lovely scenery.
All these photos are taken right in my own neighborhood where there is beauty in all seasons and times of day.
Weather today is sunny and cold here by the New Jersey seashore.  I hope you are having a wonderful day wherever you are!



See you tomorrow for Saturday 9... enjoy the day.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Questions on a Sunday

Dinner is cooking on the stove.. lamb chops and green beans which smell so delicious. I am very hungry and can hardly wait until it is time to eat. Sunday stealing is here again.

From the Ravenclaw Ask Game
1. Do you have a passion project? What is it?
Not a project, more of a pet peeve.. religions dishonesty which due to lack of liturgy is overwhelming today.Religions are a shell of their original, former selves and been substituted with a feel good agenda full of pious platitudes and new age style  sentiment, practice and globalist beliefs that have come about since the late 1800's.

2. How many languages can you speak?

English fluently, though I doubt anyone is truly fluent in any language.
I  can read and understand Hebrew and French but speaking is poor.

Prince Edward Island
3. What was the last book you read?

44 Charles Street by  Danielle Steele.   Been a while since I have read, however.

4. Where in the world would you most like to visit?
Prince Edward Island,  Boston, Massachusetts.

Ebenezer with nephew Fred Holywell and wife Lily
5. Top 5 fictional characters?

Ebenezer Scrooge,  Fred Holywell, Lily Holywell. Can't think of others.

 6. Something you miss from your childhood?

Being a kid!

7. What skill do you wish you had?

Ability to become invisible at will.

8. Tell us an interesting fact

Walter Cronkite was a Globalist creep. Scott Peterson deserves a new trial.

9. What was your favourite subject in school?

Chemistry and history tie for number one.

10. Favourite planet?

Earth.  If I said anything else  it would be silly since no one has ever been to them and they are supposedly unlivable as far as we know.

11. Which historical figure fascinates you and why?

None that I can think of. History is a lie agreed upon by the victors. Never can be sure who is what they say they are.

12. Favourite mythical creature?

None. I doubt many so-called mythical creatures are really mythical at all but existed in the past and some exist to this day.

13. Do you believe in any conspiracy theories?

     Yes of course. Any person with half a brain would. 

14. What is your favourite word?

Tintinnabulation ( as read in Poe's poem The Bells) Here is an excerpt:
Edgar Allen Poe cottage, Fordham, Bronx, New York

 Hear the sledges with the bells—
                 Silver bells!
What a world of merriment their melody foretells!
        How they tinkle, tinkle, tinkle,
           In the icy air of night!
        While the stars that oversprinkle
        All the heavens, seem to twinkle
           With a crystalline delight;
         Keeping time, time, time,
         In a sort of Runic rhyme,
To the tintinabulation that so musically wells
       From the bells, bells, bells, bells,
               Bells, bells, bells—
  From the jingling and the tinkling of the bells.

15. Do you have any obsessions right now?

No. I avoid them like the plague. I find it odd that people become obsessed with things. Isn't obsession a mental disorder?

16. Do you play any instruments?


17. What’s your worst habit?

     Speaking up. Gets me in trouble. People don't like truth at all. They like to prove their own agenda right no matter what. Also people take everything personally today so, speaking your mind becomes a problem.

18. Do you have a collection of anything?

Not anymore. I have wondered if it borders on coveting and messes up the house with junk you really don't need. I have no problem with other people collecting things, just for me.

19. What’s your biggest ‘what if’?

Don't have one that I can think of right now.

20. What is your favourite fairy tale?

The Land of Green Ginger.

21. Have you ever dyed your hair? Is there a colour you’d like to dye it?

Yes but not in a long while. No special color other than the one I did use.

22. If you could learn one language overnight, which would you choose?


23. What’s the most useless thing you know how to do?

I don't think anything is useless.

24. What’s the most important change that should be made to your country’s education system?

Get rid of the requirements of psychology for teachers.

Require that teachers major in the subject they are teaching.

Require that a  school teacher have gotten top marks in elementary school, junior high, high school as they did originally.  If you barely graduated you can't teach anyone much at all can you?

Do away with no child left behind and the rest of the garbage like new math and etc.

Spend less on education, it is wasted money right now. The more they spend the more education falls into the toilet.

Suggest that  everyone  hear what Charlotte Isberbyt has to say qbout education.

That's it for today. The wind is howling outside, temperatures are dropping rapidly and I think my trip to the grocery store will have to wait because I worry about ice. It was a rainy, blustery day today  but.. now that I look outside, it seems pretty dry from the wind.
here along the New Jersey seashore.

The lamb chops were delicious by the way and now it is time for a nice hot cup of tea.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Saturday 9

Let's start off today's post with a feel good video from two teens who try to figure out how to dial an old fashioned rotary telephone.
They are good sports and finally figure it out !

It's a rainy day here by the south Jersey seashore but not as cold as it has been. Temperatures are in the high 30s to low 40s today.
I hope your weather is not too extreme.

Now let's tackle Saturday 9

Saturday 9: '65 Love Affair (1977)Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) The first line of this song is, "I was a car hop." Car hops used to take orders and bring diners food to eat in their cars. Today, the drive through lane has pretty much replaced car hops. Think about the last time you went to a fast food restaurant. Did you order at the counter or at the drive through window?

I don't eat at fast food restaurants, so can't answer this one.

2) Mr. Davis sings that his girlfriend was "bad with her pom-poms." Presumably she was a cheerleader. Share one of your school's cheers.

Push em back push em back, waaaaay way back,

3) The lyrics tell us he believes that if he could go back in time, his girl would still be his. If you could travel back in time to your high school years, what would you enjoy doing again? What would you do differently?
I enjoy most everything but I would avoid a boy-friend I had.

4) During his performing days, Paul Davis sported a full beard and flowing hair. We're using that to check your powers of observation and recollection. Think of the last man you spoke to. Who was he? Describe his hair, and tell us whether he was clean shaven.

A guy I know and he has a beard and close cropped hair.

5) Paul Davis was born in Meridian, MS, and that's where he returned to when he went into semi-retirement in 1982. Meridian's biggest employer is the Naval Air Station in Meridian. Do you know anyone who is currently in, or employed by, the military?

Not anymore, no.

6) He was a pool player and a golfer. Which sport are you better at?
Of the two, neither as I've never done either.   

7) Sadly, he died in 2008, on the day after his 60th birthday. His best friend remembers him as "a homebody," who enjoyed staying up long into the night with his friends, playing and listening to music. Describe your perfect way to spend an evening.

At a party with friends, out to eat with friends, or just at home with friends.

8) The publishing rights to "'65 Love Affair," as well as Paul Davis' bigger hits ("Cool Night" and "I Go Crazy"), are owned by another Paul -- Paul McCartney. Sir Paul's MPL Publishing Company has made him a very rich man, and Paul says that's because he chose to invest in music, something he loves. What about you? If you were to invest in a business or industry you love, which would you choose?
Don't know.

9) Random question --You're at a party and one of your host's best friends is a real egghead who tries to draw you into a conversation about paradigmatic counter existentialism. Would you: a) just listen politely while letting your mind wander; b) admit you don't know what the hell he's talking about; c) explain why you personally feel that the counter existential paradigm just adds unnecessary complexity to the individual's search for meaning?

 Most likely C and then debate with him.
 It does add complexity for many but it is worth discussing.  Existentialism believes that man defines 
 People who have interests that are really outside the box  are constantly in search of  people to speak to and most people are just really not that able to discuss such things. The average person only wants to talk about TV, movies and etc.
 I would discuss it with him/her and enjoy it thoroughly.

Until tomorrow.. have a good day.

Friday, January 18, 2019


Welcome to my blog on this chilly winter day.
We are expecting a winter storm in the area but since southern New Jersey is closer to Delaware/Maryland/Eastern Shore Virginia, we get the same weather they do most of the time.  That means we might only get some icy rain.   Also we are on the
peninsula part of the state and being out in the ocean means our weather is often very different than the northern half of the state.
Skies have been gray and dark all day long today and things are frozen over a bit. Here are some winter photos for Friday Foto Friends and Skywatch Friday.
Hope you enjoy seeing them.

Along the bay the sand is cold

The sky over the bay has a pink tinge to it.

The woods along the road side in winter bear traces of autumn color. The trees, whose bark goes unnoticed in summer stands out when leaves are gone.

 The Atlantic Ocean in winter.  Waves in the photo are about 6 feet high.

Until tomorrow.. take care.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Tuesday & A Meme

Happy Tuesday Amigos!
Past couple of days have been super cold and I've been under the weather with a super cold. I even
artists rendering of me in my snowsuit.
cancelled a doctor appointment today because I didn't want to make other people sick at the cardiologist. It is a huge practice with something like 25 doctors and patients who range from tiny kids to very elderly and I would not want to compromise their health by going in there sneezing and etc.

We did get about 3 inches of snow over the weekend, nothing huge but it got very cold.

  I  am going to join in with Toni's  Tuesday Four meme today.

                                        More About You

1.   How late did you stay up last night and why?
gratuitous picture of snow falling
 I don't remember but it was past midnight.  I got interested in watching a BBC mini series on YouTube, And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie. It was particularly good! Then I found the Tommy and Tuppence Beresford series, Partners in Crime and watched two episodes of that.
The novels were written in a 1920's setting and the program keeps true to the time with lovely sets,  beautiful hats,clothing and hair styles from the era.

2.   If you could move somewhere else where would you and why?
             Massachusetts Cape Cod area.  I like New England very much. Or, perhaps I would live on Prince Edward Island as I love it there so much.

3.   Which of your friends lives closest to you?
      Katy at Tea and Conversation with Katy blog lives a couple of towns over from me. I made her  a blog as a birthday gift one year.  She is not a Jersey girl, however, as she is a foreigner who came to New Jersey from Long Island, NY... Yes, one of them!

4.   Who was the last person you took a picture of?

 Maybe the Little or the Famous Anonymous.
      I don't know really. I usually take photos of things rather than people.


Saturday, January 12, 2019

Saturday 9 Forgetting to Forget

I am taking part in another Sat. 9 and writing it up on Friday as I usually do.
Since I am under the weather, I am rapidly running out of steam and can hear my little bed calling to me.
Here is the meme for this week... Hope you will take part as well. Its so much fun to read what people have to say.
Saturday 9: I Forgot to Remember to Forget (1955)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune?
Here is a sort film of the song. It's an awful song, I think...but I am not a great fan of Elvis at all and I am sure other's will enjoy it.

In honor of Elvis' birthday (January 8 )

1) Elvis sings that he thinks about this girl all the time. What person or topic is on your mind this Saturday?
I am writing this on Friday afternoon and not much is on my mind at all because I am feeling poorly with a bad cold.
Oh.. well actually I am thinking of my hometown and wish I could move back there.

2) He wants to forget the day he met his girl, but simply can't. Think about someone very important in your life. Did you know right away that they were going to be influential?
No. I think everyone you meet has influence on you and your life but I never realized who was or was not important in that way.

Since this week's song is about memories, let's check on how well you recall events in your own life.

3) What was the first concert you ever attended?
  At Carnegie Hall in New York City I heard an orchestra  but I forget which one. Our school took us to see so many things in NY from plays to concerts to the museums.

4) Where did you get your first piercing? (Not only where on your body, but who did the deed and where did they do it?)
My ears. I was 18 and bought small gold wishbones with a pearl on them at Adler's Jewelers in Westfield, NJ.  I am not sure if they pierced my ears or if it was done at the doctor. Just don't recall now.
Here they are. 14 karat gold with real tiny pearls. I still have them.

Most significant material things in my life came from Westfield. My wedding dress was sewn for me by a dress designer there, my much loved Bass Weejun loafers were always bought there, so many things.

5) What's the name of the bank where you had your first checking account?
 Colonial Savings and Loan since they gave 6% interest at the time.

6) Tell us about your first bicycle.
It was a tricycle and I was about 3 years old.

7) Who received the first text you ever sent?
I have no clue!

8) What had you been drinking when you suffered your first hangover?

   I have never had a hangover or been drunk in my life.

9) Whose was the first wedding you ever attended?

My sister's.  I was 4 years old and she was old enough to be my mother. I don't recall much about it at all.  I wore a long satin dress but was not part of the wedding. Not sure why I had a long dress. I do know it was a very formal evening candlelight wedding.