z Cottage by the Sea : 07/20

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Welcome to My World

Hi friends.
Today I am joining with Skywatch Friday and Friday Photos as well.
Thunderstorms have been dotting the area along with lovely golden sunshine days. Not a bad summer all in all but I  have never seen so many thunderstorms. I suppose it is the Grand Solar Minimum which will be with us for a generation at least and causes all kinds of havoc from volcanoes and earthquakes to big storms.
Today I present a view into my world, which is my neighborhood.
All shots are taken by my home with my Canon or my Android.

First.. this to help you smile.....

The beautiful Atlantic Ocean

A Pastel night sky

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Life on a Tuesday....

Tuesday by the seaside and life goes on.
 Air Temperature    84° - 91°
Winds    From the South
 Waves    1 - 3 feet
Rip Current Risk    Low
Ocean Temperature    63° - 84°
(Normal 70° - 82°)

 Some items of interest:
 If you receive seeds in the mail from China, do not open them, do not plant them, do not touch them! Instead turn them over to the Post Office.
Thousands of people are receiving these and they are most likely invasive, poisonous plants that can render soil useless for generations.
This is an act of war.

And people are reporting the following more and more often now:
Tests never taken but reports are all coming  back positive.

Meanwhile Mark Zuckerburg, head of Facebook says that Facebook defends the right of free expression.  This proves he has succumbed to deep delusional disorder!
I am still in Facebook jail for using the word "stupid" and for posting links to the Tuesday 4 Meme which they labeled as hate speech.
If you post about religion, politics or anything they hate, you too will be placed in jail or worse.

Martin Luther King said, "The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict."

"The first question which the priest and the Levite asked was: 'If I stop to help this man, what will happen to me?' But ... the good Samaritan reversed the question: 'If I do not stop to help this man, what will happen to him?'

 "He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it."

"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
 "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."\
"The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people."
"There comes a time when silence is betrayal." We may have all come on different ships, but we're in the same boat now."
 Yes, my friends, I have put my money where my mouth is and have lost jobs, got beat up and threatened with expulsion and suspension for standing up for others and their rights.
Cowardice can be seen in the smallest of acts and the very youngest of children.  Teach them that life is worthless when you are silent in the face of evil.

Monday, July 27, 2020

~Random Tuesday 4 Questions~

Welcome friends!
 Weather today will be stormy again.

I am joining in for Tuesday 4 in honor of our dear friend Toni Taddeo.
 1. What kind of restaurants do you enjoy most and why? Do you have a favorite?
I like quiet intimate restaurants that  have quiet music.  I am not a fan of places that are noisy and where everyone is sitting in a huge group talking loudly. I am also not a fan of loud rock music while I eat unless it would be a restaurant with a rock and roll theme (like mine! wink)
I like French, Greek, German, British and Russian foods best.

2. Do you have a favorite cartoon from film, news or comic book?
As a kid I liked  comic books like Richie Rich, Archie, Dot and Little Audrey.
 In the papers comic section  I liked the Family Circus,  Peanuts and Blondie and Dagwood.
In films I like  Looney Tunes. I love watching those.
I also enjoyed the Batman comic series on TV everyday at 3PM and I still like Sponge Bob.

3.  Do you belong to any clubs or societies or organizations? Can you tell us about it?
I was a girl scout from Brownies on up to senior high school and have my curved bar which is equivalent to Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts.
I was also a Rainbow Girl (International Order of the Rainbow) which is  a Masonic organization for young women. 

4. The internet is filled with ads. Are there any ads that you enjoy seeing or hate to see?

I dislike a lot of them as they are annoying but there are 2 that I really enjoy. The new Dr. Squatch Soap commercials are a lot of fun and Old Spice had some wonderful commercials.   Of course I always like the Budweiser commercials with the Clydesdale horses.

Over the Years, The Simpsons have had many programs that portray real things, like Donald Trump as president, 9 11.. and more.  So I found this clip interesting and fun.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

I'ts Monday and Tuesday 4 is Up

 A quick post to let you know Tuesday4 is up and ready to go.
I hope you will all come join in.

Do you remember The Family Circus? Bill Keane often traced Billy's steps through the neighborhood.   I can relate to Billy quite well.
Have a happy, lovely Monday.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Love Boat

R    ain storms are the order of the day as I write this on Friday. It is raining, it's pouring, its  thundering, it's lightning. It's great but ,of course, my roof is leaking in the office here.
  I like days like this and being safe and cozy inside. I enjoy watching outside as the rain splashes into the water.  It is dark out at 11 AM.  My little weather station on the bottom of this page says Saturday will be partly sunny. We shall see.....

Now for this week's meme.
  Saturday 9 , hosted by Sam Winters, theme this week : The Love Boat (1977)

Here's the song:

1) The Love Boat ran from 1977 to 1987. It was in the Top 10 for seven of those 10 seasons. Are you familiar with the show? Were you a fan?
Yes it was entertaining.
2) Every week, viewers followed The Pacific Princess as she set sail to a glamorous destination. Have you ever taken a cruise? If so, where did you go? 
 Around Norfolk, Virginia on the Spirit of Norfolk.

3) Gavin MacLeod played Captain Steubing. Born Allan See, he came up with the stage name by combining the first name of a fictional character he admired, and the last name of a teacher who influenced him. Using his formula, give yourself a stage name. For example, Sam would be Hermione Hart (Hermione from Harry Potter; Hart for her Kindergarten teacher).
  I suppose I will choose my French teacher for 4 years and Miss Jane Marple and call myself Jane Masterson.

4) After the series ended, Fred Grandy (aka "Gopher") went on to become a Congressman from Iowa and then CEO of Goodwill Industries. If you had a bag of gently-used items to donate, where would you take them?
Habitat for Humanity.

5) Ted Lange is best known for his role as the ship's bartender, Isaac. But he began his career performing the classics, and appeared at Colorado Shakespearean Festival and London's Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. Let's class up this joint. Give us a little Shakespeare.c
We had Shakespeare from 7th grade to 12th and had to learn one or two soliloquies a year.
"Two women placed together makes cold weather." from Henry VIII

6) Bernie Kopell played the ship's doctor, Adam Bricker. Kopell first appeared on TV in 1961 and was a regular on Get Smart and That Girl, and he's still acting today. But Love Boat was, by far, his favorite role. Working on the show was "absolute heaven" because he was paid to travel the world and meet his acting idols, like Oscar winners Greer Garson, Joan Fontaine and Eva Marie Saint, who appeared on the show. When you think of the best job you have ever had, what made it so good: the pay, the location, the people you met, or the work itself?
  I didn't have a best job. I worked for the money and didn't like any job I have had.

7) Lauren Tewes played Cruise Director Julie McCoy. Today she lives in Seattle, appearing in local theater and -- between acting assignments -- working as a chef for a catering service. Have you hosted dinner for more than 8 people? If yes, do you remember what you served?
Yes. I have  at showers and of course holidays.
 I served so many different things... at one shower for 16 people I served Beef Stroganoff with rice and veggies, then cake for dessert.

8) For the first nine seasons, the theme was sung by Jack Jones. The Grammy-winning singer says one of his career highlights playing Sky Masterson onstage in Guys and Dolls. In his late 50s at the time, had had to go outside his comfort zone, dancing and acting as well as singing before a live audience. Tell us about something new you tried recently.

I guess it would be watching different things on YouTube than I usually have.

9) Random question  -- Which would you rather receive as a gift: one $500 wristwatch, or five $100 wristwatches?
I would not want either one.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Nature in Her Glory

Hello. Welcome to Friday Photos.
Joining also with skywatch friday, 
Nothing is more beautiful than nature.

"In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous."

"The Righteous shall flourish like a palm tree and grow like a cedar in Lebanon." Psalms

The brilliant sun illuminates
bright fish.
Yosa Buson

"Art not only imitates nature, but also completes its deficiencies."

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

First They Came For..... Wednesday Post

I grew up in an Orthodox Jewish community. A community you have no access to nor do you really know anyone there and you will never know them. You might know a Jewish person or two but, these you do not know, you will never know.  But I know.
 From the time I was born I heard the stories of friends betraying friends, of people not standing up for what was right and of fear for self taking precedence over love of their fellows. I learned what the end result of that was: a loss of freedom, integrity and in the end the death of countless millions of innocents.
I am seeing it again.
It beings in small ways. A liberty or right put on hold or discarded for what is called the greater good.  Only the relative few stand up and cry foul. The rest are afraid to be 'implicated' and stay quiet.  It might rub off on them they think.
I've now seen that in my own life. Friends abandoning me out of fear or hatred of what I stand for..   Well, greater people than I were abandoned and denied in history, weren't they?
I have spoken out and tried to educate out of love for you. Love for my fellow man  and love for liberty and freedom for all mankind and it has been rewarded by the majority with denial and abandonment.
I see so many elders from Germany and elder Jewish survivors of Nazi Germany warning about what is going on now in America. They see it very clearly. Do you?
I realize this post will fall on deaf ears and blind eyes but I post it for your good, not my own because in the end it is all about you and your liberty to live, think, speak, worship as you choose and not as you are told to do.
I leave you with this:

First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist

Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist

Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist

Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew

Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Facebook Jail Part 2

I am in Facebook Jail because I said  that  "people can be stupid and uneducated. "
Facebook calls it hate speech. Now, mind you, terrorists can post anti-Semitic stuff and that is just fine with Facebook.
You can call the President obscene names and that is just fine too but if you point out to someone, in a response to a post that some people are acting stupid and uneducated, you are a hater and banned.  I am banned for 3 days. I can play games, see your posts but not respond. It seems private messages work as well.

For that sentence made in response to a conversation on a post made by my friend, they took away my right to speak on Facebook for 3 days. This is because social media is being used as a political tool of those who hate this nation, hate religion and hate anyone who stands up for their liberty.

 Then we have the infamous Karens who are complicit in the censorship.
Karens are deeply offended by everything. EVERYTHING! No great peace have they!!
You offend them if your opinion differs from theirs and on Facebook, even if you are talking to family, they interrupt to let you know how offensive they find  your opinion, etc.
My 2 cents to them:  Shut Up Karen.

But Karen's are weak and  they often fold like a house of cards. But they will take offense at your likes and dislikes. They make peace at all costs, compromising with evil if they have to  in order to stay on social media. Compromising with evil to make and stay friends with people who are low and base in their beliefs. No thank you Karen.
If no one rocked the boat our nation would never have left Britain and we'd still be their cash cow servants.
  To save hurt feelings, I have blocked who can and cannot read my facebook posts. Most of my friends are on that blocked list now. Not that I don't like you, I just think its best. I will not be censored for my posts, my thoughts, my likes and dislikes.
You are seeing the death of America right now in much the same way Venezuela died and succumbed to socialism/communism.
And your fear is what is helping to do that and the media including Facebook, etc are feeding you fear porn left and right.
The flu during the Obama years was much more deadly and killed more than Covid. Yet, there was no hysteria.  This hysteria has an end view in sight and a very evil agenda.
 You cannot consent to evil and be free. It will not work. It has never worked in the history of the world.
by the way, Facebook would censor this as fake too!
And now Twitter is also banning people.  Unless things change, America is gone.
And Karens:

Twitter has also banned and restricted us.... Look at this:
I tried posting this to Facebook and was also banned from it for this! I was told that a  Magen David.. star of David is offensive and  hate speech to many.
Well take this:  ✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️

Monday, July 20, 2020

Musical Interlude


Tuesday 4 is hosted  in memory of Toni Taddeo who started it a few years ago and I hope you will join in with us each week. It is a great way to visit new bloggers, make friends and discover new and interesting things about your friends.

The topic for this week's Tuesday 4 meme is Music..

1. Do you play a musical instrument? 
  I play piano and a little Irish flute.
I own a baby grand and a tiny Irish flute that I bought in Lake Placid, New York. 
When I was a teen I could play guitar but have no played in years.

2. Have you taken music lessons? What kind. If not, is there one you might enjoy learning. It is never too late to start.
I have taken violin, flute and singing lessons.  My town's schools began teaching music with flutes in the 4th grade until 6th after which you could choose another instrument to learn. Music classes continued through high school. 
Everyone in our school system could read music.
My grandmother was a piano and pipe organ teacher. I learned by watching her. She played for many churches and organizations and was in great demand. Both my parents also played piano,and my father could play Barrel House or Honky Tonk style.

3. Is there music in your home as background to your day's activities or do you have music playing in your car, etc.? If so, what kind of music do you enjoy hearing?
Sometimes yes. I do not like music in a car though.
Music in the house will be smooth jazz , easy listening from the past or  classical when I do play it.

4.  Do you have a favorite composer or genre of music that you like most? Maybe you like several. Please share with us your thoughts?
I like so many composers it would take pages to list them all.
For American composers though I like Leroy Anderson (you are familiar with his song Sleigh Ride) and all of his wonderful music.
I am also a great fan of Russian composers like Shostakovitch, Rimsky-Korsakov, Tchaikovsky and others.
Here is the Grand Russian Easter Overturee by Nikolai Rimdky Korsakov.. a grand piece with a truly  majestic  and triumphant ending.

Here is Leroy Anderson playing a song I've always loved. since I was a very tiny girl.

Friday, July 17, 2020


S aturday is the day for answering 9 questions. So, here I am to do just that. Weather here is gorgeous lately. 

Now, on with the show 
Flipper TV program
  Saturday 9: Flipper (1964)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) Flipper ran for three seasons, from 1964 to 1967. Are you familiar with the show? Were you a fan?
No. I've seen it on YouTube but not really interested in watching.
2) Brothers Sandy and Bud consider a bottle-nosed dolphin, named Flipper, their pet. Do you currently share your home with any animals?
I share my property with  a ton of fish but no animals inside my home any more.

3) Bud and Sandy's dad was Chief Warden Porter Ricks of the fictional Coral Key Marine Preserve. In reality, the show was filmed in Miami and Key Biscayne. When were you last in the ocean? Which ocean was it?
It is the Atlantic Ocean and I am in it frequently to one extent or another.

4) There was no one single "Flipper." In close-ups, the role was played by a dolphin named Susie. While Susie was good at interacting with people, she had trouble with stunts, and sometimes a male dolphin named Clown was brought in for action sequences. Do you consider yourself more social, like Susie? Or are you more athletic, like Clown?
I am both. While not as athletic as I once was, I was always social and athletic.

5) Without looking it up, do you know the difference between a dolphin and a porpoise?
Yes, I do and Dolphins are far cuter! 
6) Flipper wasn't just a TV pet. He was an industry! During the show's run, Flipper comic books, coloring books and puzzles were very popular. As an adult, do you entertain yourself by reading comics, coloring, or completing jigsaw puzzles?
Yup. I make puzzles online.. casse tete . I love to color and paint!  I like Archie Comics and always have.

7) The Flipper lunchbox was also a big seller. It came with a Thermos topped with a red cup. Do you own a Thermos?
Yes, one for soup and one for coffee/tea etc.

8) In 1964, when Flipper premiered, it was up against The Outer Limits and The Jackie
Gleason Show. If those were your only viewing choices, would you watch the family show about the dolphin, the sci-fi anthology show, or the comedy-variety show? (Or would you rather flip through a magazine?)
I think I would watch the Jackie Gleason Show.

9) Random question  -- Which would you be more comfortable explaining: how a car engine works, the current IRS tax brackets, or the rules of baseball?
 I suppose the rules of baseball.

Don't forget that Tuesday 4 Meme is coming up and if you have never joined us, why not try it this week. I promise it won't hurt at all.