z Cottage by the Sea : 04/21
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, April 30, 2021

Come Along With Me
Friday Photos

Taking a walk  for Friday Photos and Skywatch Friday.. come along with me..

.Photos were taken in my town.



Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Changing Times.. tuesday 4

Tuesday already! And, yes, times are changing and we are changing with them I suppose. 

Here are my answers to Tuesday 4.. The Times They are A;Changing.

Welcome once again to Tuesday4 in memory of Toni Taddeo...

Lets discuss the times we live in.

1. What changes are you grateful for? How have things changed  in your life time?

Medicine and surgery have advanced and more people can be saved because of that. I think that is a great thing.

2. Did your parents have things better than you today?

In some ways yes and in others now. Medicine in their day could do little for some things. Food, however was better and air was cleaner. Water had no fluoride which was safer and better for you. Time moved more slowly without all the so-called time saving devices that actually move time along too fast.  People were more connected to one another.

3. What time period would you rather live in.. or are you okay with today?

I like to bloom where I am planted but the 1920-40's seem nice to me.. if you cancel out the depression and WW2!  I think the 1950s were a good time  and again for the above reasons.

4. What changes would you make for our time to make it nicer/better to live in?

I would change out Congress completely.. they are in there too long and use our taxes like a cash cow. They do not do the will of the people who elected them. I am sick of the whole bunch of them.

I would do away with income tax.  I would remove so much of the bureaucracy of government and get it out of people's lives.


Monday, April 26, 2021

Spring Pond

Always pretty in the spring when flowers bloom

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing is where Bev Sykes provides interesting questions to answer every week.
Here are this week's:


 Daily break time
1. What issues are important to you?      Liberty, freedom and self determination, limited government, absolute inviolability and protection of the Bill of Rights.
2. Which breakfast foods are your favorite? Usually eggs or pancakes.
3. How often do you change your hair style? On a daily basis most of the time.
4. Your most peculiar talent or interests? I play piano and I do art work.
5. Something you’re a natural at  Was always good at sports
6. Women who inspire you  Rose Kennedy, 
7. How often do you take a break from everything? Daily for a little while

8. What are your go to dancing songs?   most things country western
9. Favorite carryout and takeaway foods to order:  Pizza  or Philly Cheesesteaks
10. People you like to spend time with  My family and friends
11. Hobbies you started within the last year  None with in the last year.
12. What scents, sounds, and sights of Spring do you like?  I always love the scent of the outdoors, lilacs are lovely in spring as are hyacinths.
13. Cultural aspects you cherish and enjoy  American holidays, beautiful architecture, music.
14. TV shows and films you liked this month  Enjoying 'Queens Gambit'  on Netflix right now.
15. What do people usually come to you for help with?  Relationships, sickness.

 Later today Tuesday 4 will be up. I hope you will join in.

I am way behind in visiting due to caring for a relative with cancer. I will try to get around more.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

My Town

 Welcome to Tuesday 4 begun by Toni Taddeo and continued in her honor.

Let's talk about your town this week!

1. Do you like your town? Is it a city, town ? Can you describe it for us?

My town is located on the bay and on the ocean. Partly forested cy pine barrens, we also include a barrier island on the ocean side that is a world famous vacation spot.

I like my town a lot. It has everything I could want and then some. Its quiet, safe, clean and has nice people and a pretty sane attitude towards things

2. Are there any special points of interest in your town?   The bay and the ocean, the pine Barrens and lovely cedar water creeks.

3.Does your town have parks, restaurants?  We have parks and some very nice local restaurants of all kinds. Most are owned by local people.

4. Do you think your town needs changes to make it better and if so what changes would you make? 

It could fix the roads by hiring better contractors .. the roads kind of are awful sometimes.

 My  Town.....

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Weather or not Tuesday 4

 Welcome once again to Tuesday 4 begun by Toni Taddeo and kept alive in her memory.

Let's discuss the weather...

1. Spring is here. What do you like or dislike about it weather wise?  I don't like the damp bone chill of Spring or the fact that it's blooms come and go so very quickly.  It is a neither/nor season. Not hot, not cold, just lukewarm and filled with  humid air that goes through you. No thank you.  However, standing outside on Monday evening after the rain, the chill air made me feel good to be alive. It was bracing and lovely.  Its important to find something wonderful in every day, every season.

2. How do you fare in humidity? Do you fade or come alive ?   I fade a bit and ache with humidity. My spinal injuries hurt like crazy when the humidity climbs. States like Florida would be horrible for me for that reason. NJ is bad enough but the south is just hideous with humidity.  I'd fare better in Utah, Arizona or California.  Days when it hurts are good days to find quiet things to do. They are a chance to sit and read.. ponder, hear good music.

3. Do rainy days bother you or are you happy for an occasional break from the sunshine?    I love variations in weather. Too much sunshine is boring, too much rain is the same. I like a nice mix of weather and conditions. Windy, snowy, cold, warm, hot, all of it makes life worth living.

4. In your opinion, what is the best thing about each season?

Spring is nice for the blossoms.

Summer is nice for the greenery and the beach. Lovely warm winds are good to feel on your skin.

Autumn is the best season.. warm some days , chilly others, windy, gorgeous vivid color on the trees and shrubs.  The bracing air makes you feel good to be alive.

Winter and its silver skies, its cold days that make you happy to enjoy being inside...snow that makes you happy to be outside as it falls on you gently.  Walking along the lane at night time seeing the golden lights of houses spilling out on the snow.. there are few sights so lovely.  Standing outside hearing the deep silence of the snow as it falls layering itself on the ground a pristine white carpet....

Thanks for joining in and making this so much fun for everyone! 

I am truly happy to host this and I know Toni would appreciate it being continued and I appreciate that you join in.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Weather for Tuesday 4



Hi friends, Tuesday 4 is up and this week the subject is Weather!

Here on the New Jersey seashore it was a rainy, chilly day  and more of the same tomorrow. The scent outside this evening is lovely. I could smell the pines and cedars and the chilly breeze was invigorating.Tonight, the itty bitty peeper frogs are singing in chorus outside my window.They love the rain! There are so many of them all over the place here and their songs fill the night air.  I am behind in visiting around.. I am just stretched to the max right now but I will try harder.

I hope wherever you are the weather is to your liking and thanks for dropping by!

Friday, April 9, 2021

Saturday 9 House Bones


Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) They lyrics compare a relationship to a house, saying that despite superficial problems like peeling paint or broken glass, the foundation can still be solid and strong. What home improvement project is next on your list?
I need a new roof.. my kitchen counters are caving in, my kitchen sink is rusted out.. my toilet is listing to port..the bathroom floor is going south and the shower floor is about gone.

2) Maren Morris sings that she knows she and her lover can face any storm. Are you afraid of thunder and lightening?  Not afraid.. cautious of lightnings danger however. Thunder has made me jump at high elevations though.


3) The video for this song shows Maren and her husband, singer/songwriter Ryan Hurd, on the beach in Maui. Would you rather go for a long walk along a beach or a hike in the woods?
 I live by the beach.. and while I like hiking in woods, I prefer the beach.

4) "The Bones" won Morris and her collaborators (Jimmy Robbins and Laura Veltz) the 2020 CMA "Song of the Year" Award. Here's your chance to pat yourself on the back. What's something you have done well lately? (Go ahead. We want to hear about it!) 
 The things that count to me, as far as success goes, are the daily things that are done. People cared for, people helped, house organized and cleaned... those are my well done things. Anyone can have major biggies in their life from time to time but good character is displayed on a day to day basis.. doing the necessary and the mundane on a regular basis. This is something to aim for.

5) The song was also nominated for a Grammy for Best Country Song. For the awards show last month, Maren put a lot of work into her look, including lightening her hair and lipstick and reshaping her brows. She was surprised when saw on social media that people confused her with reality star Khloe Kardashian. How long does it take you to prepare to face the world (on an average day, not for an internationally telecast awards show)?  
I can be ready in 10 to 15 minutes or so, sometimes far less.
6) Experimenting with hair and makeup comes naturally to Maren. Her parents have owned the same hair salon for decades. She and her sister played there as children and took turns working the reception desk when they were in high school. Do you have a hair appointment scheduled?
 I can't afford to get my hair done. I cut it myself, etc.

7) Mom and Dad do not go out of their way to play Maren's songs in their salon. They don't want to "bombard" clients with her music, just because she's their daughter. But, if one of Maren's songs happens to come on, they are naturally very proud. Where were you the last time you had to listen to someone else's choice of music? (Bank, doctor's office, friend's car, etc.) Did you enjoy it, or did you wish you could change the station?
 I find it awful to have to listen to some kinds of music in a restaurant or public place especially when its jarring, loud, obnoxious.
8) Maren says her favorite foods are tacos and tortillas. When did you most recently eat Mexican food?
I made some chili not long ago.
9) Random question: What do you call that thing in your living room? Is it a sofa, couch, or a davenport?
I call it a sofa. My parents called it a couch.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Spring Returns

Some Spring photos on a  sort of sad evening... Sometimes everything hits you at once. All that is gone, all that could have been.. all that never was.. Those are the things you mourn for.

The bay never changes much. Just now and then when storms hit but somehow, they weather storms well and nature returns her to a positive state once again. I suppose the same is true for us...

Spring brings new beginnings. I am joining Skywatch Friday today.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Lunch.. Tuesday 4

Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.. where we continue the tradition of offering you 4 questions weekly that you can answer. It proves blogging material and a way to get to know others!

This week the topic is lunch..

1. Lunch can be either glorious or bland, hard to choose or easy. Which is it for you and why?

Lunch for me is usually easy. but sometimes, I am just not that hungry for lunch and so I skip it.

2. What are your choices for a nice lunch?

A salad with eggs or tuna... sometimes I have a late breakfast of eggs that step in for lunch.

3. Is lunch a big meal or a light meal for you?

Usually its very light as I don't really get hungry at lunchtime.

4. "Let's do lunch" has become a funny phrase used in movies and jokes and usually just a throw away kind of thing to say.   Do you organize lunch with friends or family often? Do you eat out or in? If you eat out what is your favorite place to go?

I have friends over for lunch very often but I like to go out to eat for lunch as well.  My favorite place to go is a local Italian restaurant with a lovely rose garden. 

Thanks for joining in! You help make this so special.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Sunday Stealing

T oday I am joining in for Sunday Stealing! Hi! I'm your host Bev Sykes of the blog "Funny the World". . Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves!

German Black Forest Cake
1. What’s your favorite kind of cake?   German Black Forest Cake
2. What’s your favorite cocktail?
Old Fashioned
3. If you are alone for the evening, what do you fix yourself for dinner?
I am always alone for dinner, so it varies.
4. What make was your first car?
I never owned a car of my own. I drove cars owned by the family, boyfriends or husbands.
5. What is your height?    I am almost 5'6" tall.
6. What was your least favorite toy as a child?
I did not have many toys and I liked all the ones I did have.
7. What’s your favorite cartoon character?
I like Looney Tunes.. Bugs Bunny
8. What’s your dream car?  I suppose a mustang or a ford F150 truck
9. What’s your favorite pizza topping? Mushrooms and some cheddar cheese
10. What’s your favorite sports team? The All Blacks rugby team
11. What’s your favorite TV show? It depends on the year.Sometimes nothing, sometimes I will just like a show that is on but I am not a huge fan so I can't really say.
12. What is your favorite ice cream? Vanilla
13. What is your favorite song? There are too many to list in too many styles.
14. What’s your least favorite chore? Folding laundry
15. What was your first job? A cashier in a variety store.

Tuesday 4 will be up soon.

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Bunny Trails.. Sat 9

Saturday 9: Here Comes Peter Cottontail (from the archives)
Join in here.

1) Which do you prefer: colored hard-boiled eggs, chocolate marshmallow eggs, or plastic eggs with coins inside?  Marshmallow eggs sound pretty good.

2) What's your favorite color of Peeps (yellow, purple, or pink)? Pink

3) All this talk of sweets is making Sam hungry. What's for lunch? Tuna and Pasta salad

4) This song was introduced by country singer Gene Autry and it's still a favorite. Please share some of the lyrics. (And you're on your own; Sam didn't include a link to the song this week.)  "Here comes Peter Cottontail, hoppin' down the bunny trail. Hippity Hoppy Easter's on its way. Bringin' every girl and boy
Baskets full of Easter joy

Things to make your Easter bright and gay"

5) Gene Autry was so popular that a town in Oklahoma named itself for him. Have you ever been to Oklahoma?  No, never been to Oklahoma

6) He and his horse Champion also had a TV show. Can you name another famous horse?
Secretariat, Sea Bisquit, Man of War    Also the Lone Ranger's horse Silver and his nephews horse was named Victor, Tonto's horse was Scout.   Roy Rogers horse was Trigger.
But for me the most famous is my own beautiful boy Petra Khan or Pete, a thorughbred Arabian who I miss very much.

7) Gene Autry also recorded "Rudolph, The Red Nosed Reindeer," and it was, of course, wildly popular, too. Who is your favorite recording artist?
I don't really have one. I have songs by many singers that I like.

8) In 1950, the year Autry recorded this song, Diner's Club issued the first credit card. Think of the last thing you purchased. Did you use cash, a credit card, a debit card, an e-wallet service (Visa Checkout, Paypal, Google Pay, Apple Pay ...) or a check?
I used my visa debit to buy groceries.
9) Easter is recognized as the start of the spring season. What are you looking forward to this spring?
I would just like to be happy for a while.