Tuesday, August 31, 2021


 It's time again for Tuesday 4 in memory of Toni Taddeo, our founder.

Let's talk about you this week.

1. How are you unique or different from your friends or family? How typical are you?

I talk about science, history, religion, anthropology and get deeply into these topics.   I love people and want to know all the whys and wherefores about them and the reasons they do things.

2.  How do you spend your spare time? books, hobbies, visiting, tv etc.

I watch movies on YouTube, I paint, play my piano and spend time at the beach or watching my fish.

3. What was high school like for you?

High school was a great time. It was great to learn, join clubs, athletics, gymnastics.. newspaper, yearbook.

4. This question has multiple parts:

a. Handbag: designer style or any will do?  Something low cost from TJ Maxx.. I can't bring myself to spend big money on a purse.

b. Pajamas or night gown? Pajamas . I don't like how nightgowns ride up and twist.

c. Shoes: sturdy or pretty ?   Pretty. I  have some Puma running shoes but, I don't like the big heavy clunky shoes people wear today. They are bad for your feet with their arch supports, heavy rubber soles which prevent grounding.  It hurts health.

d.home decor: classic, modern, farm house style, traditional?  I like them all! I'd need a huge home to have them all in one house!

e. Movies: feel good, drama, romance, action?  All of them!! I like variety.

Monday, August 23, 2021

Let's Cook.. tuesday 4

 Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 kept in memory of her.

Let's talk about food this week shall we?


1.What is/are your favorite meal(meals) to eat and to cook?

I really enjoy meat loaf and rice, salmon croquettes,and most Italian foods.  I enjoy cooking chicken pot pie and beef stroganoff.

2.How often do you cook at home and what kind of  meals do you make?  

I cook all my meals at home from scratch. I rarely eat out and I never buy packaged foods.

3. When you go out to eat what foods do you find yourself ordering most?   

I like to order things I don't usually eat at home.  I like eating out for Mexican or Greek foods.

4. Can you recommend a restaurant in your area?  Why do you like it?

It depends on what kind of food you like.  If you  want sea food go to Dock's Oyster House in Atlantic City.  Good Italian food is at Carmine's. You will need reservations.


Dock's Oyster House

Come visit again, won't you?

Friday, August 20, 2021

Saturday 9.. and More

Rain, rain go away. Come again another day.  So goes the old chant. We are expecting a hurricane later today or tomorrow.. not looking forward to it since "Sandy" did so much damage we are still recovering from.  I am 4 blocks or so from the open bay.. so hoping things are mild.

I will post the Tuesday 4 early  in case I lose power.

Here is Saturday 9...
  Woman in Love (1980)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Barbra dreams of love. What's something you've been dreaming of, or wishing for, lately? (It doesn't have to be romantic.)
a new roof, and man could I use a vacation. Right now hoping thie hurricane does not do too much damage to my town.

2) She sings that she and her lover are oceans apart. Tell us about someone who is far away, and that you wish was nearer this Saturday morning.
My good friend Lee  in Texas.
3) This was a #1 hit for Streisand, so popular it knocked Queen's "Another One Bites the Dust" out of the top spot on the charts. Are you a Freddie Mercury/Queen fan?  Yes, I liked Queen!

4) This song was written specifically for Barbra by Barry and Robin Gibb of the Bee Gees. During the late 1970s, when the Bee Gees were riding high on the success of the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack, she let them know she was a fan and would love to record one of their songs. The collaboration went so well that they ended up writing not one but nearly a dozen songs for her. Tell us about something that went way better for you than you predicted it would.
Most things go better once I stop worrying so much.

5) Barbra traveled to Miami Beach to record this song in Barry's favorite studio. Have you ever been to Miami Beach?
Yes. I spent a month there in August with my first husband. He was a native Floridian.. southern accent and all.
6) Barbra went to Erasmus Hall High School in Brooklyn. She had a mad crush on one of her classmates. That boy was Bobby Fischer, who grew up to be an international chess champion. Do you remember one of your big high school crushes? Do you know whatever became of him or her?
No, I have no idea what happened to any of them.

7) Barbra is responsible for the Barbra Streisand Women's Heart Center at Cedars-Sinai. It's dedicated to the study of heart disease, its impact on women, and the search for more effective treatment. If you could fund a not-for-profit, as Barbra has done, what cause would you champion?
I would help out St. Jude which I think is already a great charity.
8) In 1980, when "Woman in Love" was popular, Macaulay Culkin was born. He's best known for the Home Alone movies. Have you seen them? If yes, did you enjoy them?
I saw the first one and it was fun.
9) Random question: On social media, people keystroke LOL all the time. When is the last time you literally laughed out loud?
Tonight (Friday)

Please think about joining in for Tuesday 4! Link on the right side of this blog.

Friday Photos

The sky is never disappointing.. There is always something to see. It draws the eyes upward and away from self providing rest and calm.

'The Lord is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life— of whom shall I be afraid? ' Psalm 27

'Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. 'Psalm 119


'Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.

  The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.

  She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.' Proverbs 31

"Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky. "  Rabindranath Tagore  
'The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.' Psalm 19

Monday, August 16, 2021


Thanks for joining in. I hope you find them fun to do.Don;t forget that you can leave ideas for subject or question on the Tuesday 4 site in comments of leave them for me here in comments!

This week let's talk about engagements and marriage okay? 

1. If you are married would you share how your husband proposed to you? How long were you engaged before you got married? If you aren't married, what would be ideal for you?

He proposed in his garden. We were engaged for about 6 months.

2. Did you receive an engagement ring? Would you show us or describe it for us?

I was given  a diamond ring. and I had a diamond wedding band.

3. What kind of wedding did you have? Was it big or small, formal, informal, religious or justice of the peace. Inquiring minds want to know!

We had a religious wedding with about 150 guests. It was  formal and at night, in a snowfall in a candlelight ceremony.

4.Was there a honeymoon? Where did you go, how long did you stay? 

  Canada. We stayed for one week.

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Smelly Cat.. Saturday 9

Happy weekend friends. I will be joining in for Saturday 9.

Saturday 9: Smelly Cat (1995)

Unfamiliar with this song? Hear it here. (warning: not a great song at all!

1) Poor Smelly Cat lives with negligent humans who refuse to take it to the vet. Who is the last doctor you spoke to (vet, MD, dentist, PhD ...)?
 An MD on Thursday no less.
2) This song was introduced during the second season of Friends. Were you a fan of the show?    

No I thought the characters were just to stupid. I watched a few minutes and was turned off by it and never bothered again.

3) On the show, the song was performed by Phoebe Buffay (Lisa Kudrow), an amateur folk singer and a professional masseuse. There  was a debate on Reddit about massages -- some loved them because they are relaxing and therapeutic, others think it's "creepy to be undressed and handled by a stranger." How about you? Do you enjoy massages?    

Yes, they are beneficial for health.
4) During the run of Friends, Phoebe was roommates first with Monica and then with Rachel and finally with her true love, Mike. Tell us about one of your roommates.
 My grandmother was my room mate for years. She was wonderful! Could not have had a better one.

5) Phoebe often performed for tips on street corners or at her favorite coffee shop, Central Perk. Where is your favorite place to go for a cup of Joe?

My Kitchen! Best coffee in the world I think.

6) This song was originally called "Smelly Dog," inspired by a pooch named Gouda. The childhood pet of Friends writer Betsy Borns, poor Gouda could have smelled better. Is there an odor you'd prefer to never smell again?
Yes. Dying things
7) 35% of American households include a cat. Are there any pets at your house?  

 . I considered them friends rather than "pets". They have all passed on now.

8) In 1995, the year Phoebe first performed "Smelly Cat," Steve Fossett became the first person to make a solo flight across the Pacific in a hot air balloon. Have you ever ridden in a balloon?  

No. Not something  think I would enjoy.
9) Random question: Looking over your romantic history, have you broken more hearts, or had your heart broken more often?
It was about 50/50 I think.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

The Good Old Summertime


Not much is left of summer..42 days left of summer! Autumn begins on September 22 at 3:22PM and ends on December 21 at 11AM in the morning.  

I found a lovely YouTube channel that plays vintage summer songs here and there are others for vintage autumn, winter, Christmas, whatever your interest is. Give them a listen , you won't be sorry. I usually play channels like this while I work or I play old time radio mysteries on Youtube. There is enough to keep you interested and entertained all day long.   I am in need of nostalgia even if it is before my time!

I love the old songs that I can remember from the radio sound system in my Dad's store or playing on the car radio when we went for Sunday drives out in the country. Most of the songs were oldies then! They were wonderful though and left you feeling good...happy.
So, since there is only a short time left  let's all make the most of what is left and live every single day to the full.  What do you think?

Monday, August 9, 2021

What Are You Doing Lately?

   Welcome. I am still not back to normal but, I am trying.. here are this week's questions. As always they are in memory of Toni Taddeo.

1. Reading anything good lately?  How about magazines? Do you buy any?

I am rereading some old books I always have enjoyed. I am thinking of rereading some of my Spenser for Hire novels. I used to subscribe to Victoria Magazine. I would love to get the New Yorker.

2. Do you belong to any clubs, societies, or do you meet with friends regularly to chat? Not anymore. I was Rainbow Girl (girls org through the Masons), I was a Girl Scout through high school and got my curved bar which is equivalent to Eagle Scout for boys. I still meet with one friend.. down from many who have dropped off the map lately, each week.

3. Where are you from originally and if you moved why did you move? I was born in New Jersey.. lived a long time in Utah, back in New Jersey.  I moved from north Jersey to south jersey to be at the beach forever.

4. Do you like a good Western Movie? Who was your favorite movie/TV Cowboy?

I love Westerns.  I like anything that is real. My favorite on TV was Cheyenne played by Clint Walker I

think but really I liked them all from  Bonanza to Alias Smith and Jones.


Sunday, August 8, 2021


Time for  Sunday Stealing from Bev Sykes.. who, unlike me, is always on the ball with these

Just a cute pic having nothing to do with the question!

questions. These are from Durwood Discussions.

1.  What is the nearest book to you?  Your Kindle does not count. Number in Scripture by E.W. Bullinger. It's pretty interesting actually.

2.  When was the last time you took a "me" vacation?  I have never done that.

3.  How many telephone numbers do you have? One

4.  If you could fix one thing in the public school system, what is the one thing you would do immediately? Get rid of the political teachers' union and forbid teachers from preaching in the classrooms. Just teach reading, writing, 'rithmetic but as Pink Floyd said, "Hey Teachers.. Leave those kids alone!"
5.  What's your favorite Olympic event?  I don't have one. The Olympics just does not interest me at all.

6.  Do you watch the Olympics?  No. Not interested. I would be so bored if I had to watch them.

7.  Who is your favorite sports team player?  I don't have one because sports really don't interest me.

8.  If you could travel in a spaceship to any planet, which planet would you like to visit and why?  Jupiter is my ruling planet because I am a Sagittarian, so I guess Jupiter.

9.  When was the last time you sat in a church? Well now what if its a synagogue or mosque?  Well anyway, I go to religious services regularly but I am not a religious nut who goes to "church" and then hates everyone all the time.

10.  Are there any aspects of blogging that annoy you?  Not off the top of my head, no. I enjoy it though lately I have had too much on my plate to do much of it.

11. Have you ever gone to a party and snooped in the medicine cabinet?   No. That's just rude.

12.Do you watch reality TV?  I'd rather not, LOL. Its really hardly reality anyway lol. I watched Real Houewives of NJ .. it isnt real at all and I saw a couple episode of Jersey Shore.. also nothing like reality at all and I live on the New Jersey shore so I know.

13.  How many people can you call who have known you since you were in school? A few.

14. Who, when, and where was your first kiss? who? A boy.. when? in high school. Where? I don't recall.

15. You just got thrown out of your country.  Where do you want to become a citizen?   I don't know... I think I would just organize a revolution and take my country back and become dictator.  As dictator I will make it law that you must judge as Martin Luther King said by content of character and not sex, religion, color or background.

Tuesday 4 is up today.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Sunday Stealing

Hi.. going to do the Sunday Stealing today. It is brought to us by Bev Sykes of Funny the World

Stolen from mantelligence

1. Have Your Ever Driven Drunk Or Even Slightly Buzzed?  No. Never been drunk or even slightly buzzed. Never saw any use for it.
2. What Was The Funniest Moment In Your Life?  I suppose when I lost my bikini bottom in Miami.
3. What Kind Of Things Really Makes You Laugh?   I laugh a lot at Moonpie Starbox videos.

4. If You Could Jump Into A Pool Full Of Something, What Would It Be?  Water!
5. Which Habit Are You Proudest Of Breaking?   I don't know that I had much to break.
6. Which Animal Do You Find The Sexiest Of All? Animals?? Oh come on LOL.
7. What’s The Weirdest Nickname You’ve Ever Had?   Some called me Angie in school.. in university I was EB short for Easter Bunny.
8, What Do You Wish You Were Really Good At?  Flying
9. If You Were A Dog, What Kind Of Dog Would You Be? English Setter
10. What’s The Most Spontaneous Thing You’ve Ever Done? cut off my jeans to go swimming in the ocean. we were there for a bit and i decided to just take a knife and cut them off to go in the water.
11. If You Had A Time Machine, Would You Go Back In Time Or Visit The Future? Back in Time to nicer days before the buffoons ruled the earth. All the world's leaders today are jack ass buffoons.
12. What Was The Last Show You Binge-Watched? Ray Bradbury Theater.
13. If You Had To Rename Yourself, What Name Would You Choose?   Julia Ann Baker.(selected for me by a "standard all American name generator".
14. What Did You Do During The Summers When You Were Growing Up?  Beach, Bikes, Movies.
15. If You Go To A Restaurant And Have Terrible Service, Is It Ever OK Not To Tip?
It is okay to leave a smaller tip but, I think its best to give benefit of the doubt and tip. In the USA it is how wait staff make their living.