z Cottage by the Sea : 08/19
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Money for Nothing—Saturday 9

Just another weekend and last weekend ended just yesterday it seems!
Has time sped up? Why,yes, it has.  The earthquake and tsunami in  Fukushima, Japan sped up the earth's rotation by 1.8 microseconds and changed the way the earth's mass is distributed.
Has this happened before? Probably.  We know that the history of ancient times speaks of a 300 day year with 10 months. So, time has changed in epochs past, speeding up and slowing down.
The earth goes through time changes, climate changes and catastrophe over and over again but, mankind survives it all.
I am jo  taking part in Saturday 9 once again.

Money for Nothing (1985)
Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it below.

1) Sweatbands are prominent in this very 1980s video. What's the last thing you wore on your head?

2) The lyrics are from the point of view of a man who delivers and installs appliances. What's the biggest purchase you've made lately? Was it big in size or expense?
 Refrigerator. It was both big and very expensive.

3) The delivery man of the song imagines the worst thing that happens to a musician is a blister on his little finger or thumb. Do you have any minor aches or pains bedeviling you as you answer these questions?
Minor adding insult to injury with the major.

4) The term "dire straits" describes a troubling situation that's difficult to extricate oneself from. When's the last time you found yourself in dire straits?
Nothing is dire. There is always the Kobiyashi Maru option.
However, I found myself in what could be termed dire straits many times.
1. left outside by family in a category 5 tornado.
2. dragged a mile down the coast in a riptide at age 10.
3. had a man hold a gun to my head intending to kill me.
In each situation I was taken care of and used my head to get out of them and yes, the Kobayashi Maru method does work. Never let a predator write the scenario for you. Rewrite things and save yourself.

5) There's a dinosaur called masiakasaurus knopfleri. It's a prehistoric, predatory lizard, and the paleontologists who discovered it were big Dire Straits fans, so they named it after lead singer/guitarist Mark Knopfler. Do you find dinosaurs fascinating, terrifying, or both?
Nothing terrifying about dead things. I find them fascinating.

6) Prior to his music career, Knopfler was a junior reporter, covering the entertainment beat for the Yorkshire Evening Post. Do you believe you would make a better musician or journalist?
Journalism as it should be, no longer exists.   Today, it's just 'think pieces' and editorializing. by left and right.. two decaying sides of the same horrible coin in my book.  I'd be a better musician. today since the climate for journalism is so bad.

7) In 1985, when this song was popular, rib eye steak was $3.89/pound. Today it's more than twice that. Do you have any beef in your freezer right now?
None right now. I need to shop.

8) In 1985, Michael Jordan won the NBA Rookie of the Year award after his first season with the Chicago Bulls. It was the beginning of a career that made him a hero and a household name. Who do you think today's young people look up to?
Young people look up to all the wrong people just as we did in 1985.  Real heroes are damned and condemned. Just look at how our ridiculous government (whoever president is or was) and the ridiculous Queen  give  medals of freedom  and knighthoods to  sports people and rock and movie stars for Pete sake!   That is the ridiculous world we live in.  Heroes my Aunt Fanny.

9) Random question: Friends take you to dinner for your birthday. The menu you're handed doesn't have any prices on it. Do you try to estimate the costs and choose what you guess is the least expensive entree? Or do you figure that since your friends want you to have a good time, you should order whatever you want?
If I am taken to dinner I would assume they mean for me to eat what I like and can actually have. I know what is super expensive and would not order that unless I had specific permission or was paying for myself.  It would depend what the cheapest thing was.  If it is something I hate, no way I will order it. 
I would order what is decent, not extremely pricey and good for me.  But,
just for the record, I don't want to go out for my birthday. I want a party at home with friends and family, a store bought fancy cake  from a great bakery and a wonderful dinner and games or a movie I like.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Friday Photos and SkyWatch Friday: The Bay, Red ,Gold and Green

Green salt marsh, blue bay and  orange-gold sunsets.  Life by the bay is good.
In another month the marshes will begin to turn golden but everything else will stay the same until the bay freezes over, if it gets cold enough, that is.
Joining in for Friday Photos and Sky Watch Friday.

floating on the creek

See you tomorrow for Saturday 9.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Tuesday Four

Joining in for Toni's Tuesday 4.

Art Imagination

1.   If you could paint a landscape what would it be?
The bay !  I paint my own headers and they are usually the bay or the ocean around me.

2.   If you could paint a portrait who would it be?
The kids

3.   If you could paint a geometrical form what would it be?
A circle

4.   If you could paint any object what would it be?
My house!

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Sunday Stealing

Hi Friends,
It is another beautiful day at the New Jersey seashore. Lovely temperatures and sunny skies.
  The weekend is coming to a close and it seems it just began!
I am joining in with Bev Sykes for Sunday Stealing with questions from Love Me Some Surveys.

1. Has anyone ever made fun of your taste in music?
No one really ever makes fun of anything I like, do or say because I don't allow it.  I have a strong personality and I rarely get challenged.  If someone does, they soon back down. I make it very undesirable to do things like that.
Of course, if it's teasing, that's a whole different story and I am fine with that.

 2. Is anyone’s birthday coming up?

Yes. My  youngest daughter's and my own

3. Do you remember who you liked in grade eight?  I remember that I didn't have any crushes in the 8th grade.  (And now we know the creator of this list is Canadian! "grade eight" whereas in the US we say eighth grade)

4. When was the last time you burned any part of your body?
A while back I burned a finger slightly.  I've only once gotten a 3rd degree burn where the skin turns to ash. That was from the oven broiler. It was small but awfully painful.

5. If I gave you ten dollars, what would you spend it on?
I would put it away. I always save found or gift money.  until I have something important to buy.

6. What are you most excited about right now?
Well, I am not excited about much most of the time. That's just not who I am.
The closest I can get  to 'excited'  today is my coffee. It's Moose Crunch Pumpkin Spice but it does not taste like Pumpkin or spice anything.  However, it does taste nice since I added some nutmeg to it and I love coffee with nutmeg or cinnamon in it.  I need to get another brand of Pumpkin Spice. 

7. Does / did either of your parents serve in the military?
Both were exempt from military service (in times when there was a draft )  as they were necessary civilians. My father was  vice president of a chemical company and their head chemist who made  and invented things necessary to the nation.  My father held many patents. Later, he left that to open his own little business.
 My mother was an  registered nurse in obstetrics at a local hospital.

8. Are you somewhat of a perfectionist?
Yes., to a certain degree.   I like to do things right if it is possible, but it isn't always possible. I don't require it of others, just that they do their best.

9. Do you like sour candy?
I used to like sour lemon balls. Not so much anymore.

10. Are all nighters something you have grown used to?
I have done them but, not really used to them. I don't like them much unless I am doing something I really like doing. I regret them the next day though as I really do need about 9-10 hours of sleep.

annie bear in sunglasses
11. Do you usually wear sunglasses when you’re driving?
I wear sunglasses almost all the time when I am out doors. I have very light eyes that seem to be sensitive to the sun. I wear them even as a passenger in a car.
Do you like my little Annie Bear animation? I used to have a nice little animation program but, awful, rotten ,Windows 10 doesn't like it.  I can animate in Photoshop but, I don't like doing it that way.

12. Do you wear your shoes around the house?
I wear Indian  moccasins around the house. They allow the feet to feel natural and keep contact with
earth without going completely barefoot.  It is very healthy to keep your body directly on mother earth and not to wear rubber soled shoes. They are very bad for you in many ways. You must stay "grounded"

13. What clothes are you most comfortable in?
I am most comfortable in cotton things. I like the feel of cotton .

14. Are you good at painting nails?
Not so much, no.  I usually make a mess.

15. Smoothies or slushies?
Smoothies are nice. I used to like slushies but no longer drink those. Actually, I haven't had either one for a long, long time.

There were other questions listed on that list. Here are a few I wanted to asnwer:

What’s your favorite season of the year?
Fall and winter.

Where would you like to go on your honeymoon?
Martha's Vineyard or Prince Edward Island
Are you good at filling silence in awkward situations?
Yes, I am.
Do you ever actually make your bed? Yes, most of the time.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Saturday 9:No One's Here to Sleep.. except me.

Summer is fading away slowly and today is a cool, breezy, sunny day... perfect really.

Tourists are here until Labor Day, then they will begin to head on home.  Though those who own summer homes will spend weekends here until early October if it stays somewhat warm.
Then slowly but surely the Snow Birds will leave their summer homes to head back to Florida for the winter.. sissies.

Here is my Saturday 9. 

Saturday 9: No One's Here to Sleep (2013)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This song is the theme of How to Get Away with Murder, the legal drama that premiered in 2014 and airs on Thursday nights. Are you a fan?
No, I've never watched it and got rid of cable a month or so ago.

2) The song's refrain says, "I'll never catch up with you." Behind the wheel, do you carefully observe the speed limit? Or do you have a lead foot, making it hard for anyone to catch up with you?
Yes, I keep up with traffic and never had a ticket.
3) How to Get Away with Murder is about Annalise Keating, a law professor at a top Philadelphia university. She has a reputation for being tough, demanding and able to turn her students into successful defense attorneys. Tell us about a teacher who helped prepare you for life after graduation.
I can't think of one at all. 

4) The students she feels show the most promise -- and are recruited to help her solve murders -- are known as The Keating Four. Did you ever sense that you were your teacher's favorite?
Yes. My Russian and History teacher liked me a lot. We became good friends.

5) Viola Davis was just nominated for an Emmy for playing Professor Keating. Ms. Davis was born on a farm in SC. Have you spent more of your life in a rural, suburban or urban setting?
Mostly suburban , small towns close to rural areas.

6) Next to Annalise Keating, Viola Davis is best known for her Oscar-nominated role as Aibileen in the movie, The Help. Have you seen it?
No. I have not seen and have no idea who Annalise Keating is. Will look her up.

7) In 2014, the year How to Get Away with Murder premiered, we lost two famous comedians: Robin Williams and Joan Rivers. Who was the last person to make you laugh out loud? (This means actually, literally laughing out loud, not just keystroking LOL.)
An unknown comedian on radio who does an imitation of Arnold Schwarzenegger answering the phone in a pizza shop.

8) The 2014 Olympics were held in Sochi. Have you ever been to Russia? If not, is it a dream destination of yours?
Never been to Russia but my daughter is going there for business. They have offices in many countries. Not a dream destination.

9) Random question: The sign on the railing says, "Wet Paint." Do you touch the railing to see if it's really wet?
Nope. I would ignore the sign if it is obviously old and the paint has long been dried and looks it however.
Tomorrow is Sunday Stealing. Be there or be square.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Photos on Friday

Another Friday and the end of another month already. Autumn is on it's way.
I found out that Autumn is the season, but 'fall' is the time when leaves are actively falling. Some trees are already turning color.
 The temperatures by the NJ shore dropped over night. We are in the high 60's low 70's today and it is rainy. So, at the beach it is a day to do other things besides swim.
Current conditions and forecast  Friday at the Jersey Shore:
Air Temperature    76° - 81°
Winds    From the North
8 - 15 mph (Gust 21 mph)
7 - 13 knots (Gust 18 knots)
Waves    1 - 2 feet
Rip Current Risk    Low
Ocean Temperature    66° - 81°
(Normal 73° - 79°)
Sunrise/Sunset    6:22am - 7:48pm
UV Index: High
I am joining in with Skywatch Friday and my own Friday Photos this week. All photos are taken by me with my Canon or my Android Phone in my own neighborhood.

The Famous Anonymous totaled her very old car. No one was injured. Needing a new one to get to school and to her job at the Yacht Club,  a used Jeep was the  affordable answer.  She loves it.

The beginning of sunset.

My favorite place anytime of year

Looking at neighbors across the fence. Yes sometimes my photos are blurry. Blame my lack of core exercise. I need to get on the ball with that.

Early morning on the bay

In my neighborhood, this is where we park. There are 4 marinas.. if I counted correctly, in my neighborhood alone.

It's a stormy day

Bay water, clear and blue.
Have a lovely weekend

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

More About You...

Yesterday was a day of loud  thunder storms that lasted all afternoon. The girls and I binged on Teen Wolf and had a great time. We ate popcorn and then the girls made butter balls.
It was a great day.
I am joining with Toni today for Tuesday 4    click her graphic here to join in.

More About You Continued...

1.   Where is your favorite place to be?
Any place my family is. That is always the best place to be.  I love when we are together.We have the best discussions, and the most fun.

2.   Where is your least favorite place to be?
doctors, dentist offices, just being away from my family. I really hate  airports.

3.   What was the last thing that really made you laugh?
I laughed very hard, yet again, as I do every time I hear it, at a skit about  Arnold's Pizza Shop.  The comedian does an imitation of Arnold Schwarzenegger answering the phone at a pizza shop.   

I also find Mad TV very funny. I watch some re-plays of skits on YouTube.

4.   Are you a social person?
Yes. I like people and love being with them.  I love parties and get togethers, going out, being with people, etc.   I absolutely love to entertain guests.

 How about you? Care to answer these questions and let everyone know a bit about you?

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Stealing on Sunday Yet Again

Another day of stealing!
Bev Sykes of Funny the World provides questions every week.. here is this  week's set.

Swap Bot asked people to post questions they would like to answer.  I copied them all and put together this brief selection.

1) What do you enjoy about summer?
The water, the evenings and the sounds of nature, boats on the water, pizza and hotdogs.

2) Do you like snow? Why?
Yes. I love how it looks and what it does for the ground (helps it). I like being warm inside while it howls and bfalls outside.

3) What do you think about dogs?
I think they are fine and dandy and usually make nice friends.

4) Have you ever gotten lost?
Well, in a way, but not really as I was headed in the right direction anyway and got home fine.I was just a bit worried.

5) What are your favorite type of socks?
None of them. I don't like socks at all. I find them restrictive but as a kid I liked bulky socks. I prefer cotton if I have to wear them. I don't like woolen ones at all.

6) What is your favorite style of shoes?

I like flats, loafers and moccasins.

7) What would you name your boat if you had one?
 This one is easy.. they were named long ago:  the Annie and the Lily B

8) What common misconception do you hate to hear repeated as fact?
Too many to list here.  

9) What was the last shop you went into and what did you buy?

Home Goods. I bought liquid hand soap for the kitchen and countertop cleaner.

10) What's your favourite thing to do to pass the time?

Painting, reading , hearing talks on YouTube, etc. I don't have one thing. I like variety.

11) What is a way to die that scares you the most?

Not a good question to think about or ponder in any way. so I will pass.

12) Travel or home body?
Either one.   Travel can be nice, being home can be nice too.

13-  Ever been to a bingo hall?

I think once when I was a little girl. It didn't impress me or I would remember it better.

1 4) What is the longest plane trip you have taken?

Over 20 hours.

15) Do you text more or call more? Why?

I do not like talking on the phone in any way, shape or form. I like texting more.
I hate cell phones and think they are dangerous to health.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Saturday 9 Where You Lead

Hello friends,
 It was an interesting week in many ways. There were many interesting things in the news, the weather, etc. I went out for dinner with my daughter to a very nice little place. There are a lot of restaurants on the seashore that have outdoor seating  and its all very nice.
We had a nice meal. We went while it was still very light out and missed seeing all the trees lit up with fairy lights on the trunks and limbs. One particularly nice place has outdoor seating in a rose garden.
 Here is my entry for  Saturday 9.

Where You Lead (1971)

Unfamiliar with this week's song. Hear it here.

1) This is the theme of The Gilmore Girls, a TV show that ran  from 2000 to 2007. It recently enjoyed renewed popularity as a reboot. Were you a fan?
I began watching it when it first started but lost interest over time since I had other things to do and it just didn't grab my attention though it was entertaining.
2) The show is about thirty something Lorelai Gilmore, her teenage daughter Rory, and her parents, Richard and Emily. The four of them had dinner together every Friday night. Who did you have dinner with on Friday? What was on the menu?
I had dinner out with my daughter. We ate Penne Venezia.

3) Lorelai is outgoing and talkative. How about you? Are you seldom at a loss for words?
It depends on the situation. I don't care for small talk but I do really enjoy deep conversations with people who like getting into deeper subjects.  If someone is shy and looks uncomfortable I will try to focus on making them comfortable and drawing them into a conversation. Sometimes that can be very hard to do.

4) Rory dreamed of going to an Ivy League school and then becoming a broadcast journalist. When you were in high school, what were your ambitions?
  To be a journalist. I majored in Radio and TV journalism.
5) Rory's grandfather (and Lorelai's dad) went to Yale and performed with the Whiffenpoofs, Yale's famous a cappella group. Have you ever sung in front of an audience?
I   sang with an accapella group in high school. and while taking singing lessons had several recitals.

6) Rory's grandmother (and Lorelai's mother) Emily was very active in civic organizations and worked hard on the Hartford Zoological Society's Annual Silent Auction. Have you ever attended an auction?
I am not sure. I may have but the memory is dim so it must have been boring.

7) Alexis Bledel, who played Rory, went on to appear in Mad Men and The Handmaid's Tale. Of these three shows -- Gilmore Girls, Mad Men and The Handmaid's Tale -- which would you prefer to binge watch?
Mad Men or Gilmore Girls. Handmaid's Tale was   ugly and I only saw bits of it on YouTube. Hated what I saw of it.

8) Carole King originally wrote this week's song, "Where You Lead," for her Tapestry album. Do you have a favorite Carole King song?
It's Too Late 
9) Random question: If zoo animals could talk, which animal do you imagine would be the rudest? 
I think monkeys would be a bit rude . They are just smart enough to be able to get into trouble.