Saturday, February 29, 2020

Bicycle Quiz

Bev has new questions for us , stolen of course. Is there any other way?

Stolen from Bicycle Sidewalk
"Hi! I'm your host Bev Sykes of the blog "Funny the World". . Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves!"

Cheers, indeed!

1. Do you think animals dream?
Yes. They run in their sleep and you can see their little legs moving. They whine, bark and talk in their sleep as well.

2. Have you ever been to a fortune teller or psychic?
No and never will go to them.  They are fakes and charlatans and bad people generally.  Superstition and magical thinking are no good for anyone.

3. How important is it to have a low stress job?
You can't escape all stress but, if you are one who suffers with it, then yes, it is very important to avoid a stressful job.

4. Do you always lock your house?   Yes, I do.

5. What do you do if you feel lonely? See people, go out shopping or feel that way until I don't feel that way anymore.

6. Have you ever driven a sports car?
Yes I have.

7. Have you ever fallen down the stairs?
No, I have not b'h and hopefully never will 

8. What do you think about the death penalty?
Over all I am not for it. Biblical law requires  2 -3 eye witnesses for it to be used, not stupid circumstantial evidence. 

9. What do you think about animal testing?
Not down with this either.

10. What are your neighbors like?
Quiet, stay to themselves and either young or very old.

11. Do you turn off the water when you brush your teeth?

12, Are there any foods that you wouldn’t eat as a child that you now like?
No. The other way around is true though.

13. Is it important to always tell the truth?
No. It isn't.  If I am asked if I am hiding Anne Frank, I will gladly lie.

14. What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?
Those awful whole wheat, carob cookies that health fanatics seem to always make. Each cookie weights a pound and they could be used as door stops.

15. Do computers really help us save time?
They can if used right. They can also make things take much longer.

16. Do you have any tattoos?
No, I don't.

17. Do you pray every day?

18. Are you in favor of cloning?
 I see no need for it.
And just like that I became Japanese...

19. How do you feel about changing your nationality?
Not onboard with it. Have no reason to do so at the present. If you mean ethnicity, that's impossible. You are what you are no matter where you go.
If I move to Japan I will never ,ever be Japanese.

20. Would you ever buy a used car?
Yes, why not?

21. Should you spank a child when they do something wrong?
Nope. It leads to kinky stuff.     Also it does no good. 
People spin the phrase about not sparing the rod.
However, no good shepherd uses a rod to beat the sheep. The rod of a shepherd is to guide and protect and beat off the wolves.

22. Has science made a negative impact on society?
In some ways yes, and in many ways no. It certainly stopped the polio epidemic and it made a huge difference in saving lives with antibiotics which are a great help.

23. Have you ever gone on a blind date?

24. Do you believe there is life after death?

Please drop  by HERE Sunday night  to join in with Tuesday 4 won't you?

Friday, February 28, 2020

On the Radio

Here is another Saturday 9 hosted by Sam Winters.

The song is "On the Radio" by Donna Summer.

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) The action begins when a letter falls out of the pocket of a brown overcoat. What color is your coat?

Black with a  big fluffy black fur hood.

2) The lyrics ask if it "kinda strikes you sad when you hear our song." We don't want to be sad this Saturday, so we're asking what song makes you happy.
This song is one of them and provides a nice background for the video too.   This video shows a part of where I live,but I am posting this because I  really like  the remix of this  Bob Marley song. It's a feel good song.

3) Right before this song hit the charts, Donna Summer hit the cover of Newsweek. Are there any magazines in your home now? If yes, who is on the cover?
No people, just things on the covers.

4) Donna wrote the lyrics to this song, while producer Giorgio Moroder wrote the tune. Moroder is known as "the father of disco." Is disco a genre you enjoy?
Yes, it is a fun sound I think.

5) This song got additional airplay throughout the 1980s because the game show The Price Is Right played it every time a contestant won a stereo. Today, the most popular audio equipment sold at Best Buy is a sound bar to improve the quality of TV audio. Have you added a sound bar or sound system to your TV?
No. I have a dynamite system on my computer though, ask the kids.

6) Moroder has won two Academy Awards for Best Song. The first was for "Flashdance ... What a Feeling" from Flashdance and the second was for "Take My Breath Away" from Top Gun. Do you  have a favorite movie soundtrack?
I was always partial to the soundtrack from  the movie Cocktail  which I thought was a very entertaining movie!  I also used to listen to the soundtrack from How The West Was Won  as well as Camelot and The Music Man.

7) He grew up in Ortsei, Italy. Located in Northern Italy, the Ortsei economy is fueled by tourists who ski in winter, hike in summer and shop for woodcarvings all year around. Do out-of-towners find their way to your hometown more often in summer or winter?

Oh.. in the summer!! Traffic goes through the roof in summer as people come to their summer homes and Florida snowbirds return to spend the summer here . We also get a lot of  vacationers from Canada and Ireland  who love our beaches.

Seriously? Kardashians?? Um, NO!

8) Kourtney Kardashian was born in 1979, the year this record was a hit. Keeping Up with the Kardashians has been on since 2007. Have you ever seen it?

No, I don't waste my time with that kind of stuff. Ruins the brain

9) Random question -- When getting dressed in the morning, what's the second item of clothing you put on?
 A bra probably.

Bay Views

Cold, windy, clear and sunny today.  It has been so windy that school bus drivers were all over the road yesterday, their big buses pummeled by the blasts of wind.
There is blasting at the military bases today as well so we are rockin' and rollin' all over the place this Friday!

Windy or not, it is a good day to participate in Skywatch Friday.  and that is just what I am going to do.
The sky is not only above us, the things of the sky, it's color, sun, moon, all reflect on the earth as well.
You needn't look up to see that it is sunny. It shows on the ground and in the water.
Clouds reflect in the water and create shadow on the ground.  The color of the sky changes the color of the water as  well.   Take a look:

Footsteps in shadow and light
Golden Sunset

Pink over the Bay

Blue sky in the ocean

Sky reflections in the Creek

Puffy Whites over the bay
Come visit me, this is my neck of the woods...

All photos are taken by me in my own neighborhood, some with my Canon and some with my Android phone. I hope you enjoyed these and I will be back on Saturday morning with Saturday 9. I hope you will be joining in as well. It is a lot of fun.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Haiku Wild Ducks and Moonlight

Haiku is a beautiful way to soothe the mind.
Here are two for you.


Monday, February 24, 2020

Tuesday 4 Odds and Ends

Hi friends.
Of course I am participating in Tuesday 4, begun by our friend Toni Taddeo and kept in honor and memory of her.
Let's jump right in.

1.  You're having a lovely dinner party for friends and family.  What will you serve for appetizers, main course and dessert?
Appetizer will be a veggies with dip.
I think for the main course we will have Chicken Francaise with  parsley/butter potatoes and sauteed spinach with garlic.
Dessert will be  German black forest cake.

 2. Snow storm!    
You've got house guests and you're all stuck inside for the night.
What do you prepare for dinner.  Will you  watch a movie? Which?
I  think that homemade chili and macaroni and cheese are good for a blustery cold winter night.
 We can watch Moonstruck and/or  or maybe a good James Bond movie..
 Maybe one movie and some cartoons?

3. We are going into New York City for the weekend. Where do you want to go?

I want to stay at the Plaza(It's my favorite Hotel in NYC)  if I am staying over night. 
I want to go to the  opera and then dinner at the Russian Tea Room (one of my favorite places to eat.)

4. You are going to night school.  They offer courses in writing short stories, painting,   piano  or guitar lessons,simple home repairs,baking, and gardening.
Which do you pick  ( or make up one of your own)  and why?
I am drawn equally to home repairs and short story writing. as I feel you  never can learn too much about either subject. Frankly they all sound like great courses and I love learning in general!

I hope you enjoyed this week's Tuesday 4.
I'll be posting again tomorrow.

Monday's Musical Interlude

Lovely music for a late Monday afternoon.

Linking to Songbird

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Questions and Kobayashi Maru .. Sunday Stealing.

Sunday Stealing has stolen back into our lives! Here we go.....

Hi! I'm your host Bev Sykes of the blog "Funny the World". . Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves!

Questions Stolen from 9gag

1. What is your favorite color?  I think probably very pale lemon yellow. In my first house I had an off white sofa set that looked as if someone had made long paint splatters across it in muted, almost pastel shades of baby yellow, baby spring green and a pale pale orange. It was beautiful and got many compliments. The dining room had upholstered chairs in pale baby yellow. It all looked so lovely.

2. If you could get on a plane tomorrow and travel anywhere, where would you go?    Wales

3. Were you closer to your mother or to your father   
Neither. I was closer to my Grandparents.

4. What is your favorite meal (savory and dessert)  I don't have a real favorite as I enjoy many kinds of foods.  I like Chicken Francaise if it's made right.
I don't eat dessert.
5. Can you wink with each eye?  (How about curl your tongue) Only one eye, yes to tongue.
6. Beach or forest? Beach, Forests have Sasquatch ! Seriously, though I do believe that Sasquatch is real, both have their good sides and I used to camp in the forests in the mountains in Utah all the time. Loved being high up in the mountains seeing those dinner plate sized stars in the deep darkness.

7. City or farm? Both, they each have their charms and I enjoy both of them.
 8.  (I am  again employing the Kobayashi Maru option here and changing this question, which I don't like.)
  Would I rather go to a movie and dinner or stay home and watch movies online and snack.    I like to do both. I like doing tons of things and don't believe in limiting myself to just a few things. Lately, I have been limited but, who knows, that could change!
9. Would you rather always be overdressed or underdressed?   A bit under dressed I think.
10. If you could pass alone one of your attributes to your children, which would it be? I think I have already that is deep religious belief.
11. What are you most insecure about? Answering questions like this on a public forum.
12. What are you afraid people see when they look at you?  Not really afraid of anything like that.
13. What is the saddest you’ve ever felt? Death of my children.
14. Would you rather have your own private island, or your own private jet?
Private Island.
15. How do you think you will spend the day today?  (I have changed this question using the Kobayashi Maru principle yet again.)   Today I will work on my computer and do some painting.  I am also in the middle of cleaning my whole house stem to stern.
Thank you  Bev for hosting Sunday Stealing!

Tonight Tuesday 4 questions will go up.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Buttons n' Bows

Howdy Partner,
Today's Saturday9 is all about Buttons and Bows.. or well, no it's not really. But it is about right here!
questions inspired by that song which you can hear

1) The lyrics extol the beauty of "rings and things and buttons and bows." When you're
getting dressed, do you give much thought to accessorizing?
Yes, I do.   I like to look nice when I go out or even just stay at home. I'm not fond of the current trend of sloppy dressing.

2) Dinah Shore sings that she doesn't want to live where the cactus hurts her toes. Sam can sympathize, as she has a blister on one of her toes from where her winter boots rub. Do you have any aches and pains to report this morning?
None that anyone would be interested in hearing about.

3) Dinah was such a popular entertainer that people were surprised to learn she earned a degree in sociology from Vanderbilt University. What is something we'd be surprised to know about you?
I really have no clue.

4) Dinah's was the best selling version of this song, which was introduced by Bob Hope in the movie  The Paleface.   Hope had success early in his career as a song-and-dance man on Broadway. Are you better at telling jokes, singing or dancing?
Better at dancing, then singing. Joke telling..not at all.

5) Both Bob and Dinah donated their time to entertaining the troops in WWII. It was during a USO tour that Dinah met and fell in love with actor George Montgomery, who was serving in the Air Force. They were married for 20 years and had two children. Their daughter followed her parents into show business and became an actress. If a young person asked you for career advice, what would you tell them?
Find a job that you can work in anywhere and at any age.

6) Dinah was an avid golfer and even sponsored an LPGA tournament. She was also an excellent cook who hosted TV cooking segments. Which would you find more relaxing -- an afternoon on the golf course or in the kitchen?

On the golf course. I like being outdoors. I always wanted to play golf too.

7) In 1948, the year this record was a hit, Scrabble was introduced. Do you prefer word games, card games, board games or jigsaw puzzles?
I like games that I can play with people.  I like jigsaws when I am alone.

8) Also in 1948, LPs (33 1/3 rpm records) were introduced. Do you have any vinyl records in your home?
Yes but now my daughter has the bulk of my collection which extends back to records my father owned in the 1930s.

9) Random question -- Which of these would you consider the greatest insult: to be called boring, untrustworthy or stupid?

I wouldn't want to be called any of them.

Tomorrow is Sunday Stealing.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Nature Around Me

Older photos help me revisit this past summertime.
There is a magic in the sky at sunset by the cove on our bay.  Skies turn firey in hues of reds and oranges as the sun melts itself into the west.
Posting with Skywatch Friday and my own Friday Photos.
Orange Sunset 2019
Afternoon by the bay...summer 2019
Above, you can see the barrier island on the other side of the bay.. which is where our ocean beach (below) is located.

My Town's ocean beach(not my photo, it's the towns photo)
I love the white sand on New Jersey's beaches. They call it sugar sand but in some places the sand is slightly pinkish, as below.  They are pink because it is made of crushed garnets.

Saturday will be Sat 9.
Until then behave yourself.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Toiletries and Cosmetics Tuesday 4 #7

  Welcome to Tuesday 4 which was started by Toni Taddeo and kept up in memory and honor of her. How about talking about cosmetics and toiletries this week? Let's jump right in, shall we?

1. What brand of shampoo do you think works best for you and what does it do for you?
Lately I have been using OGX Teatree Mint Shampoo and Suave Honey infusion leave in conditioner which makes my hair very soft and shiny.

 2. Do you have a favorite brand and shade of lipstick and blush?
I made a little graphic of my favorite shades:

 3. Is soap your favorite for face washing or do you use other products?
I use Kirk's pure soap and Noxema and Pond's face cream. It all works and all I can say is I get compliments on my complexion and I have no lines, wrinkles or crows feet, so maybe they work well.

 4. Do you have an all time favorite perfume or scent that you wear? If you don't wear perfumes, is there a scent that you love in general?
I wear a lot of different perfumes but I do love Yves St. Laurent's Paris and Thierry Mugler's Angel.
If you want to know about perfumes, check out Fragrantica.It is filled with connoisseurs who know their perfumes through and through.

Monday, February 17, 2020

I ❤️ the 50's

 Nothing beats decor based on an era.
I like the decor of homes in America from the 20's to the 50's and even some of the decor of the 60's-70's. Each has their own charm.  Here are some rooms I just think are wonderful from the 1950's.
I love these beds at right angles with a bed table between them. Just gorgeous. 

Another great bedroom and I love the drapery. Its barkcloth I bet.

Pink bathrooms make me swoon!! I like this.
Oh.. be still my  heart. I love this one!!

Tomorrow is Tuesday 4. I hope you will help us keep it alive by joining in!