Monday, May 31, 2021

Simply the Best...

Welcome to Tuesday 4!


 Here is an older Tuesday 4 from Toni

1.   What was the best thing you have ever bought?
        My piano! It gets lots of use and  I enjoy it very much. The Famous Anonymous also loves playing it when she is around.
2.   What was the best book you have ever read?
     I am sure I had an answer for this last time but since then I have to say I just can't name one that is the best. There are many that are interesting, some very good, but, I just can't seem to think of one that would be the best of all.
 3.   What is the best food you've ever eaten?
  It is a toss up between Delmonico's in NYC and The Russian Tea Room in NYC. Both have excellent food.  They are quite expensive, but, the food is well worth it.  I believe Delmonicos has gone out of business because of the shut down. A true shame as it was in business since the 1800's.  It was featured in the movie Life With Father.If you've not seen Life With Father, try to watch it. You will not be sorry as it is very entertaining and features a very young Elizabeth Taylor as well!/
4.   What was the best movie or TV series you've ever watched?    I will go with TV series..  There are a few that I have really enjoyed  a lot.  The last one that I really liked was Miss Fischer Mysteries, an Australian TV program set in the 1920s.  It ended far too quickly.  I also completely loved Hercule Poirot and the Miss Marples series too.

 I hope you are enjoying these and will continue to bear with me as I try to post new questions each week.  It is a big difficult right now as I have someone in home hospice right now and  I am often busy right now.  Let me know if there is a topic or questions you would like to hear answers too and I will make a post based on your ideas.  Just contact me here in comments!


Sunday, May 30, 2021

Sunday Stealing.. Memorial Day Truth

My contribution for Memorial Day:

Stolen from Journal Buddies
1. When do you feel the world will stop? The world is eternal. "et in saecula saeculorum" World without end.  It will never stop. Not ever.
2. What is your personal motto? Everyone is not all one thing.
3. What is the greatest gift you ever received? The love of God
4. Who is  a leader who inspires you?  No one is this world. They are all a mess.
5. What irrationally annoys you more than anything else?  The irrational fear of the illness. Doesnt bother me as much as I feel great sorrow for people who have this monkey on their back.

6. What small thing can always bring you a bit of joy? Moonpie Starbox
7. What is your favorite thing to do on a lazy day? Be laid back!
8. How often do you take risks? Every day.
9. Write about your happiest memory. There are so many that I cannot single one out.

10. How long do you think it will be before we see a female president?  Personally I hope never. Women are not suited to the office. We won't argue this or at least I won't argue with you over it but after long consideration I know it is a correct thought.
11. Do you think it’s important to be part of a community?  Why? Why not? Depends on the community. Sometimes it is and other times it is a huge mistake.
12. What piece of modern technology are you most grateful to have.  Electricity and  central heating.
13. Do you feel anonymous on line? Only when I want to be.
14. What is something you’ve always wanted to try but have never gotten around to. Golf.Over all I like the idea of being outside all day but, then again I am not sure I would be very good at it and it is an expensive hobby.
15. What would life be like without the internet?  Smarter, easier over all.  Days were longer without the constant flow of information. People were happier. The bible warns of knowing too much. You over load on things and the mind become anxious and too busy, unable to shut down which, from time to time, is necessary for rest and sanity.  We learned better before the internet as well. It took time and energy and digging to find information you needed. All this exercised the brain and the character!  
Over all, we were better off without it. No one missed it.. we were smarter and happier I think;

Friday, May 28, 2021

If You're Reading This...

Saturday 9: If You're Reading This (2007)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

Tim McGraw

Memorial Day is the federal holiday designated to honor American service people who died in battle.

1) Memorial Day was introduced after the Civil War. War memorials, as well as graves of veterans, are to be decorated with flags and flowers this weekend in a show appreciation. Is there a war memorial in your neighborhood?
In the neighborhood I grew up in there was.

2) Here at Saturday 9, we regard everyone who served -- veterans and active military -- as heroes. Have you, or has anyone in your family, worn the uniform of our armed forces? We want to hear about them.
Yes. Many of them from the Revolutionary War to the present day.

3) Similarly, we're grateful to those who served on the front lines during the Covid 19 pandemic. Tell us about anyone you know who was an essential worker, a first responder or administered vaccines. They deserve a shout out, too!
Anyone who works for a living is essential. Every human is on the front lines in one way or another in their own life.   When I worked in medicine, I got paid for what I did.. it isn't heroic in any way.   The most heroic thing a health care worker can do is tell the stinking truth and not just keep it amongst ourselves.

4) Memorial Day is the traditional kick off of the summer season. Have you packed away your winter clothes yet?
No. it gets chilly from time to time.. besides, I don't pack anything away. I don't have any place to put things.

5) What's your favorite picnic food?
Submarine sandwhiches and potato salad.

6) As you answer these questions, is there a fan or an air conditioner cooling your room?
No. It is chilly and raining out tonight.

7) This week's song is about a heartbreaking situation. The lyrics are a letter from a soldier to his family, which was only to be sent in the event of his death. What's the saddest song you have ever heard?
Honey by Bobby Goldsboro was sad. Galveston by Glen Campbell is sad too.

8) This week's featured artist, Tim McGraw, has a star on Hollywood Walk of Fame. It's near those honoring William Shatner and Julie Andrews. If you could have lunch with one of those luminaries -- Tim McGraw, William Shatner or Julie Andrews -- which would you choose?  I don't think I would want to have lunch with any of them. We'd have nothing to talk about really. 

9) Random Question: Think of the last thing you bought. Was it a wise purchase?

Yes! It was food for the week.

Friday Changes

soring changes so much.. It was 100°  a couple days ago.. now its 60° and windy.. cold by comparison and storms seem to be coming in.

We are doing home hospice now. Not easy but, necessary.  Prayers welcome friends.

 Birds do a fly over  the water in the early evening.

The cove reflect the setting sun with pinks and blues.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Spending Time

 It's time for Tuesday 4 started by Toni Taddeo and kept up in her memory.. are you ready to answer some questions?  Its a great way to discover more about yourself and others, make friends and have topics to blog about.

This week let's talk about spending time

1.Are you currently reading a book you'd like to tell us about? Maybe a TV program you can recommend to us?  

I highly recommend Midsomer Murders. There are over 20 some seasons for you to watch. The stories are good and the scenery is usually very nice. I can imagine though that there are far better things to do with your time than murder stories... Go back and watch the Waltons those were great stories.

2. Are you a Jane Austen fan? So many seem to be. If you are what is your favorite book and who is your favorite character.  If you aren't a fan, is there an author you especially like to read? Favorite character..etc?

I like the character of Elizabeth Bennett from Pride and Prejudice as I can relate to her a little bit.  I am a fan of the movies more than the books which I find a bit tedious to read.  Jane Austen was a great student of  interpersonal relations and the culture of the time wasn't she?

3.  How do you spend your time during the day?  Do you set apart time to read, watch TV, study?

My days are spent cleaning and keeping the house, studying anthropology and religion, exercising and enjoying the outdoors. I set apart time for learning daily.

4. Have your beliefs changed in your life time? New religion.. new politics? Or are they the same as they were growing up? Do you spend time thinking over the important things of life to take stock in your life? 

Yes, my beliefs have changed very dramatically but I don't really like to discuss that with people.

I do take stock of myself quite often as I find much room for improvement. 

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Literary Pearls... "Emily Davis"

Welcome... excerpt from a Miss Read book titled "Emily Davis".

“That evening, as dusk was falling, Dolly Clare took her accustomed walk at the edge of Hundred Acre Field, behind her home.

All her little duties were done, and she felt free to enjoy the evening air before settling by the fireside.

She reached the oak tree, and stood very still, watching three fine pheasants searching for acorns at the foot of the gnarled old trunk.
Above her the rooks were flying homeward. The great field before her, gleaming with gold when last she walked there with Emily, was now freshly ploughed, the furrows dark and glistening. Within a few days the seed would be planted and she would watch, alone now, the first tender blades appear, then the ripening crop and, finally, its harvesting.

The comforting cycle of the seasons continued unchanged—the sowing, the growing and the reaping.

Dolly Claire turned, and made her way homeward with a grateful heart. Life went on, and was still sweet.”
Miss Read, Emily Davis



Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Interests and Hobbies.

Hi friends!  Today is Tuesday 4. I think Toni would be glad we go on with it! Blogging was something she so enjoyed and just one of her many talents. She really was an incredible lady. I miss her quite a lot.

 Welcome to Tuesday 4 kept up in honor of Toni Taddeo.  Let's talk today about your interests and hobbies.

1. What are your interests and hobbies? .. reading? writing? collecting?  I enjoy railfanning.. watching trains both in person and   with  on live YouTube in Revelstoke British Columbia, Fair Port NY, La Grange, Kentucky and Paradise, Pennsylvania mostly.

  I used to collect music boxes and clocks but no more. I am interested mainly in people and why they do what they do. It's one reason I took up anthropology. I play piano at least once a day but, its not something I consider a hobby.. just a great interest. 

Painting is also a hobby, and doing art on Photoshop as well. I do that for hours each week too.

2 How much time a week/day/month do you devote to your interests? I devote hours to railfanning each week and to the piano. I devote a few days a week to anthropology.

3. Do you share your interests with anyone?  Lately, as the Famous Anonymous has gotten into horses, we share that interest.   I think most people find my interest in anthropology a bit boring and excessive.

4.Tell us why you enjoy your hobby, pastimes or interests.

As a child my grandfather used to take me to watch the trains come and go at our local station. We did it so much that it became a big part of my life.   My parents and my grandmother plays piano very well. My grandmother was much in demand and played professionally in 3 churches. She made a decent living doing that during the depression. She was very skilled on the pipe organ.. probably the most difficult instrument to play.  I learned by watching her. She also gave lessons but not to me.. I just learned from watching.

I took anthropology at Rutgers University and it became a very serious side line for me. I am fascinated by people and why they do as they do. I am also very interested in ancient people.I've come to learn that much of what we believe is not the truth.

I hope you will join us again next week and if you have ideas for topics you'd enjoy or like to see on Tuesday 4 please let me know! Contact me here or on Facebook.  I'd love for you to be part of this as well.

Sunday, May 16, 2021


Hi and happy Sunday.. joining in for Sunday Stealing

 From Bev:

Hi! I'm your host Bev Sykes of the blog "Funny the World". . Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves!
From Days of Gratitude
 1. Name something in the room you are grateful for.
       My library of books.  Also a dozen red roses from a  very dear person.
2. Recall a favorite memory you are grateful for
          There are too many to name.
3. Who helped you today? God helped me as always. I didn't see anyone else today.
4. What possession makes your life easier? A nice refrigerator, a nice washing machine,my computer.
5. What’s the best thing that happened today? Talking to someone online.
6. Name something in nature that you are grateful for.     I'm grateful for all nature..
7. What painful experience helped you grow? Losing my daughter was one, Spinal surgery was another, a very bad marriage was another.
8. What is your best skill?    Helping people.
9. What person in your past are you most grateful for?   my family
10. What risk are you most grateful for taking?        Accepting a friend on Twitter.
11. Name something/someone that makes you feel safe.       A friend and God.
12. Name a challenge you have overcome.        Learning to walk and get around after spinal surgery.
13. What small things are you grateful for today?   Home delivery of groceries. Was convenient for sure
14. What smell are you most grateful for?             Cedars and pines.
15. What is your proudest accomplishment.          Playing piano.

Tuesday 4 will be up tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Summer Time and the Living is Easy

Tuesday 4 is up and late I realize but its been a very difficult week. So much going on.. none of it very good and I have some extremely heavy decisions to make,            But its up now and I hope you will join in even later in the week if you can.  I will try to do better from now on.

Summer Time!

Welcome! We remember Toni Taddeo with her Tuesday 4... Once again I am late. Upheavals on the home front as it is not easy to care for a cancer patient who is fully dependent. I am sorry. I will try to do better.  

Summertime is coming fast friends... June 21st I believe....

Let's discuss summer this week...

1. What emotions and feelings does summer conjure up for you?

A bit of everything. I don't like humidity but I do like the activities of summer.. the sounds and the ocean in summer time. So the emotion is both love and dislike.

2. What's summer weather like in your neck of the woods?  We are semi-tropical so its hot in summer and usually humid too.  By the ocean here in NJ we are usually in the high 70s to 80s with occasional days in the 90s. It rarely goes beyond that but it has in the past from time to time.

3. Got some special summer meals you and your family enjoy? I love making tuna salad mixed with lettuce, carrots, tomato.. mayo and balsamic vinegar and spices!   I also make spaghetti squash with meat sauce and of course I love hamburgers and hot dogs with all the trimming like potato salad in summer. Grilled veggies and corn are great too!

4. What do you enjoy doing in summer? Sports, trips.. do you go on vacation? Can't afford vacations but  I live at the beach so that's not a big deal.  I spend time at the water in summer, go to parks, walks on trails, and I love picnics in the yard with family and friends.   I adore the 4th of July.

Thanks for joining in.

Friday, May 7, 2021

Saturday 9... Mom

I am not posting as much as usual and its been a while since I have posted regularly. Things have piled up around me so it has not been easy. I am joining with Saturday 9 this week..
Saturday 9: Mom (2016)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

Thank you Sam for these questions!

1) Meghan Trainor's mom gets a vocal credit on this song ("featuring Kelli Trainor") because the audio of a mother/daughter phone call is included on the recording. Who is the last person you spoke to (not texted!) on the phone?
2) The earliest version of this song was a poem co-written by Meghan and her brother as a gift to their mom. Do you enjoy writing/crafting/baking or [insert your skill here] gifts for people? I have witten songs for people on piano.

3) Meghan's mom ran Jewel of the Isle, a jewelry store in Nantucket, MA. Have you ever visited Massachusetts? If so, where have you gone?  I have been to Massachusetts. I've been all over.

4) Mother's Day is a big holiday for card shops. So are birthdays, weddings, and dozens of other special occasions. Hallmark sells greetings for everything from "Congratulations on Your New Job" to "Happy Retirement." Who received the most recent card you bought?
Many people when I sent out Cards for holidays.

5) While Crazy Sam was growing up, her mother used to scold her for leaving dirty dishes in the sink. Sam admits it: as an adult she still puts off washing her dishes. Are you more like mother or daughter? Do you clean up after every meal, or do you let the dishes stack up?   I usually clean up right away, but if my spine is hurting badly.. I let it go.

6) Mother's Day is for grandmothers, too. Sam grew up calling her grandmother "Grandgran." What did you call your grandmother?  I called them both Nanny

7) The German word for "mother" is "mutter." What other German words do you know? Hello, goodbye, stuff like that.

8) In the United Kingdom, Mothering Sunday is celebrated. It's on the fourth Sunday in Lent (March 14 this year) and in addition to flowers and cards, mothers are treated to Simnel cake. Are you going to indulge in any sweets this weekend?  maybe I will make myself pancakes for breakfast on mother's day.

9) To celebrate Mother's Day, Sam is giving away her mother's favorite: Hershey Bars! Would you prefer classic milk chocolate, dark chocolate, or milk chocolate with almonds?
I will pass on the chocolate, but thanks anyway. I do like almonds though.

Monday, May 3, 2021

Occupational Info

Welcome to Tuesday 4.. late as usual but the home situation has been very busy and iffy lately, so I am sorry it is late going up today.

Let's talk about your job/former job

1. What kinds of jobs have you had in life? Enjoy or not? I enjoyed jobs where I worked with the public. Retail , ghost wrote novels, did graphic arts began life as a Medical Technologist.

I also worked as a medical technologist and its okay but, maybe long ago, but not anymore.

2.What duties did you perform on your job.. give us a job description if you please. A medical technologist is the person who analyses your blood, urine, spinal fluid.. all the medical tests you take ... well,  we are the ones who find out what's wrong with you and then tell the doctor.

3. What training is required to do your type of job (and even a checker in a supermarket needs certain skills such as working well with people and being a bit technical.) Med Tech needs 5 years of college and internship.  Retail work needs some good sense and an ability to work with the public. 

4.Is there a dream job you'd like to have or would have loved to have? Tell us about it, won't you?

This is a hard question to answer. I would like a job that lets me be inside and outside during the day. I don't want to be cooped up inside or left outside all day either.  I do enjoy making a home , so homemaker would be something I love if I had a nice man. 

 I hope you enjoyed this week's list of questions. Due to home life challenges right now I have been a bit late but I do enjoy getting this out and keeping them alive.

If you have ideas for questions or themes. please let me know!