z Cottage by the Sea : 09/20

Monday, September 28, 2020

Tuesday 4 Rebel

Welcome to Tuesday 4 in honor and memory of Toni Taddeo. 

The subject this week was marriage. But since I have nothing to say on that,  I am being a rebel and doing an old one from Toni's blog posted last October . I really have nothing to say about marriage and so, this is my topic for the week You can see this week's actual meme at Tuesday4.. link on the side of my blog here.

Autumn This Or That

1.   Pumpkin Carving or Apple Picking?

Pumpkin  carving would be more fun I think. I just finished picking apples off my own tree. Its hard work.

2.   Yankee Candles or Roaring Fireplace?

 Yankee candles as I don't have a fireplace. I used to, but gave it to my daughter who threw it out.. I would have liked to have it back. It was an oak surround on a gas fireplace. Very nice really.

3. Hot Chocolate or Apple Cider? I will go off the list and ask for an old Colonial drink served hot called Flip. Invented in the early 1600's and much beloved in Colonial America. 


4. Pumpkin Pie or Apple Pie? I like both but, I think apple pie made by my grandmother was the top of the list!! They were huge, high and delicious.    

Tuesday 4 Rebel

Welcome to Tuesday 4 in honor and memory of Toni Taddeo. 

The subject this week was marriage. But since I have nothing to say on that,  I am being a rebel and doing an old one from Toni's blog posted last October . I really have nothing to say about marriage and so, this is my topic for the week You can see this week's actual meme at Tuesday4.. link on the side of my blog here.

Autumn This Or That

1.   Pumpkin Carving or Apple Picking?

Pumpkin  carving would be more fun I think. I just finished picking apples off my own tree. Its hard work.

2.   Yankee Candles or Roaring Fireplace?

 Yankee candles as I don't have a fireplace. I used to, but gave it to my daughter who threw it out.. I would have liked to have it back. It was an oak surround on a gas fireplace. Very nice really.

3. Hot Chocolate or Apple Cider? I will go off the list and ask for an old Colonial drink served hot called Flip. Invented in the early 1600's and much beloved in Colonial America. 


4. Pumpkin Pie or Apple Pie? I like both but, I think apple pie made by my grandmother was the top of the list!! They were huge, high and delicious.    

Welcome to Monday

The weekend went by far too quickly and I am ready for another one. I am bored and have cabin fever very badly. 

While October is barreling down on us, I am finding it is still not chilly enough for my taste. I am just planning to enjoy the heck out of October if I can, God willing and the creek don't rise.

Monday Madness: "The Finish This Sentence"Questions

 1. My uncle once... got separated from his unit in WW2 and walked with his buddy clear to Germany where they stole a wheel of cheese from a German farmer. They were starving. The farmer chased them down and since my uncle knew German he realized the farmer was upset because the cheese was not ripe yet. He told my uncle that it would ruin his reputation if they ate that cheese. He had them come back and he gave them a wheel of ripe cheese!

Another time he was at a cross roads with a friend in France during the war. They were unsure which road to take. My uncle heard his deceased father tell him to go to the right. The other guy thought it was the stupidest nonsense when my uncle told him and proceeded to the left where he stepped on a land mine and was killed..

 2. Never in my life have I... smoked.

3. When I was five my parents , my aunt and uncle and I lived through an F5 tornado. 

 4. High school was..a great time for me.

 5. I will never forget to...  feed my fish

 6. Once I met ..William Shatner.

7. There’s this boy I know...who could hold onto a pole and lift himself straight out sideways.

8. Once, at a bar, I... Tap danced on a pool table.

9. By noon, I’m ...in full swing

10. Last night I ...watched a few episodes of Hercule Poirot.

 Tomorrow is Tuesday 4.. see you then.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing...

1. Something someone told you about yourself that you never forgot     

I've been told so many times how young I look for my age. It was embarrassing when I was in my 20s.  My father told me I'd need to marry an older man to be understood.  But I am not sure this is what the question is asking for.
2. What are your 3 top pet peeves

  •    ignorance
  •    lack of empathy
  •    people who are blind to the needs of others.

3. List five places you want to visit

  •  Montana
  • The Dakotas
  • Camden, Maine

4. Share something you struggle with

  • Pain

5. Post words of wisdom that speak to you.

“Great minds have purpose, others have wishes. Little minds are tamed and subdued by misfortunes; but great minds rise above them.”
Washington Irving

6. Something you always think “what if....?” about :What if I had gone to a different university.
7. Five blessings in your life.

  •  People
  • dogs and cats I have loved
  • music
  • belief in God
  • nature and the great outdoors

8. Something that you miss.

  •     walking, running.

9. Post about your zodiac sign and whether or not it fits you.
It  fits me pretty well.....

10. Think of a word. Search for it on Google images.  Write something inspired by the 11th image."Autumn is beautiful dressed in her oranges and yellows."

11. Write about an area of your life that you’d like to improve.  My house needs repairs.
12. What made you laugh out loud today.  Nothing today.
13. What are your goals for the next 30 days. I have not set any goals just yet.
14. Your highs and lows for the month. No highs so far just a few lows.
15. Favorite movies that you never get tired of watching.   Mostly the old classics like From the Terrace, Cat on  a Hot Tin Roof, The Young Philadelphians, A Summer Place, Return to Peyton Place, Zorro the Gay Blade,Adam's Rib(Hepburn&Tracey),The Desk Set(hepburn/tracey), The Woman in the Window(Edward G Robinson),Scarlett Street (E. Robinson).  I like film noir from the 40's and 50's.
16. Books you have read more than once. 44 Charles Street, One Firth Avenue, Summer and the City.
17. Something about which you feel strongly:  Anthropology
18. Five things that make you really happy: peace, quiet, calm, scents of nature,cupcakes.
19. What are you excited about?   I suppose the coming holidays
20. Three celebrity crushes:   I have never had crushes on celebrities.

Tuesday 4 goes up tonight.


Friday, September 25, 2020

Saturday 9

September is moving along at quite a clip isn't it? Here it is time for another Saturday 9 already.

Saturday 9:
Do You Want to Dance? (1972)  Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here

 1) Do you check your cellphone first thing in the morning?    No, I rarely look at my cell phone for any reason.  I am not fond of cell phones at all and seriously dislike talking on the phone.
2) Are there dirty dishes in your sink right now?  No. The sink is clean and dishes are put away.

3) Have you laughed yet today? Yes.

4) Have you written a check in the last week?
   No but the week before I did.

5) If you met someone who shared all your strengths and weaknesses, would you like him/her?
Well, not for the weaknesses no.

6) Is a bride ever too old to have a big wedding?
No. I think you can have a big wedding whenever you want.

7) Do you put potato chips in your sandwich to make it crunchy?
I never have done that, no. It might be kind of interesting with tuna ..hmmm.

8) Have you ever taken a nude photo of someone (not a baby)?    No.

9) On Monday, will you be playing Bud and Mimi's cool new meme, Monday Madness? (Our last shameless plug, I promise.)   I forgot last week but will try again this week.

Early Autumn by the Sea

Happy Friday! Another week gone by and September, which just began, is quickly turning to October!   Come take a walk with me  today... the sky is blue , the temperatures are in the low 70's and it is lovely outside.

As always click the photos to see them full size.


Tourists have headed home ... we have the ocean back to ourselves. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2020







 “Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.”
George Eliot





picture: edouard  leon cortes.. 'Theatre du Vaudeville, Paris '




Monday, September 21, 2020

Your Home Routine.. Tuesday 4

Happy Tuesday friends!  Yesterday was a very fall-like chilly day and last night the heat came on.

It is the last day of summer and fall has already arrived.  I've been watching birds gather to fly south for the past 3 weeks. They know when to go.
Here is Tuesday 4.

 1. What laundry products do you like to use or find best for you?

I use Tide, Clorox for bleach and Downy fabric softener. I sometimes also use 20 Mule team Borax in the wash. I used to love Oxydol but can't find it any more. Nothing gets whites cleaner in my opinion.

2.Dryer, line or combination of both?

I use both. Right now my dryer is broken so, I am using the line.

3. Do you have wood floors or carpeting and which is best?

I have wood floors and room size rugs.

4. Housekeeping professionals give the following guidelines. Which do you follow? Do you have better ideas?

1. open windows first
2. clear up clutter before cleaning.
3. start in bedrooms first
4.give cleaning products time to work.
5.Always sweep or vacuum before mopping
6.use a toothbrush for hard to get at areas
7. keep things on a central cart if you can
8.dust everything
9.vacuum your furniture often, mattresses once a month or so.

The only thing on the list I don't do is use a central cart. I just have such a tiny house that I have no room for one.  The rest is how I do things most of the time.

Bye Bye Summer.. It's been Fun!!

Thanks for joining in and if you have ideas for this meme, please let us know!

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Monday, Monday..♪ ♫♪

Apple, Autumn, Leaf, Still Life, Nature, Harvest

The apples on my tree got picked this week... maybe a wee bit early.but their color is autumn-like and lovely, red, green and gold.

The weather is chilly but  I have decided to paint my house Secret Meadow Green by Behr with a door in the color Cherry cola, a deep, dark brownish red.  Trim would be white. I like New England colors for my home. No pastels please.. nope.  They are just not my style.  Temps of 60-80 are best for painting they tell me.. so while it is in the 60s, I will go for it.

Here are similar colors I think I love......I need new shutters and I need to replace my flower boxes as well.  My house is only one story, however.

Tuesday 4 is up and I hope you join in. 

The new Blogger is temperamental so please report issues you have so we all can be happier.  The soffits will wait.. but the ceilings are being repaired this week. Tarp is on the roof for rain.
Come back again some time and visit...only two more days of summer left so I will make use of my summer siggie.. Hope to see you later.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Shana Tova Friends

   לְשָׁנָה טוֹבָה תִכָּתֵבוּ וְתֵּחָתֵמוּ

Friday, September 18, 2020

Sat 9 Frankie & Johnny

Saturday 9: Frankie and Johnny (1966)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) When this record was initially released in 1966, it never cracked the Top 20. Critics were harsh, saying that Elvis had not kept up the times. How about you? Do you consider yourself up-to-date on today's music?
Somewhat. I listen to what the kids are listening to as well as other things.

2) The song is about a woman named Frankie and Johnny, the man who does her wrong. Who is the most recent person to do you wrong? (It doesn't have to be in romance; it could be the person who cut in front of you in line at the supermarket.)

Governor Phil Murphy who destroying NJ one egotistic executive order at a time.

3) Elvis sings that Johnny cheated with "a chick named Nellie Bly." The real Nellie was an estimable woman, a pioneering 19th century journalist. Can you think of another song that mentions a real person?
 Donna by Richie Valens
4) This song was recorded for a movie by the same name. Elvis played a riverboat gambler. When did you last play a game of chance?
A horse race but it was a long while ago.
5) Actor Harry Morgan had a supporting role in the movie. He's remembered as Officer Gannon on Dragnet and Col. Potter on M*A*S*H. Gannon was a good cop but could be particular about his food and surroundings. As a career soldier, Potter didn't mind roughing it every now and again. Which character are you more like: fussy Gannon or outdoorsy Potter?
Outdoorsy Potter
6) Elvis' leading lady was Donna Douglas. She filmed her part during her summer hiatus from TV's The Beverly Hillbillies. Have you ever had a summer job?
Yes, I was a librarian/typist for a chemical company one summer.
7) Though not remembered as an actor, Elvis was a bona fide movie star. In 1966, he was listed (with Paul Newman, Sean Connery, John Wayne and Richard Burton) as one of the world's biggest box office draws. Who starred in the last movie you watched?
Cher in Moonstruck which I re-watched.
8) In 1966, Lauren Bacall appeared on the cover of Time with the headline: "The Pleasures and Perils of Middle Age." She was 41 years old and starring in a hit Broadway play. In the article, she explained that in middle age, she had come to understand that "character and a sense of humor are the two things that will carry you through." Tell us about something you understand better or appreciate more today than you did when you were young.

How bad the world can really be.
9) Random question: Have you checked out Bud and Mimi's cool new meme, Monday Madness?
Yes. I will try to play next week.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Summer on the Seashore

Well, it seems Blogger has gone back to the original photo system and I think that's cool.

It was a lovely summer all in all. Very few really hot humid days and except for a an exceptionally high number of thunderstorms, the weather was wonderful.  Not many tourists this year so we had our neighborhood to ourselves for the most part.

We are expected to have more snow than usual and I sure hope autumn will be crisp and cool. 

Here are some summer photos of my neighborhood. I am joining for Skywatch Friday as well. All photos are from my neighborhood.

Summer storm

A lone Phragmites

The Famous Anonymous is a licensed bartender.. though she isn't old enough to drink. She worked at the Yacht Club for the summer.

She does weddings, parties, etc too. Best of all.. She is good at it!

           The ocean side of our town and the beautiful Atlantic Ocean.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Tuesday 4

Hi! Time for Tuesday 4 which I host in memory of Toni Taddeo.
  1.Fall is usually the time that new series appear on TV. If you could make a show that you would really enjoy what kind and what subject would you like to see.
I really enjoy British TV series a lot. I would love to see more programs like that on American TV.. like Midsomer Murders. I truly enjoyed an Australian show about a private investigator from the 1920s called Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. It was wonderful and I would love to see one like that here as well.
2.You have a rare opportunity this fall: you can step into a movie, TV program or book and live out a week there, which would it be and why?
I would like to step into Miss Marple or Hercule Poirot's world for a while. I like the times.. the 1920s and I love the characters. As long as I could be friends with either of them, it would suit me just fine.

3.Are you decorating outside for autumn? What are you doing? Is it HGTV worthy?
I have put up a Welcome sign along side my door that has an autumn theme. I would will also buy some large pots of Chrysanthemums to put on the porch and walkway. Chrysanthemums are my birthday flower and I adore the Football Mums that schools used to sell in the autumn.  Football mums have huge blossoms and are very full. I love the autumn colors of mums.. oranges, reds, purple-reds, yellows. They are just so vibrant. I will also put out a  fall pumpkin. I do like to decorate a bit for the seasons.  In winter I like to plant new evergreens.Is it HGTV worthy? Well, I doubt it but I'll do my best to make it attractive.
Note: why has HGTV turned into the real estate channel?? Where are the old decor programs that were so good? I used to love Susie Coelho's garden design and Design on a Dime..etc.
4. What's on TV this week you really are going to enjoy? I am watching things on YouTube usually. This week I am watching Rob Skiba's talks on the Nephilim,DNA and Genetics. He has some interesting takes that I think might be exactly on target. While his views on religion are not mine, his genetic ideas are.
I mostly watch programs on genetics, anthropology and archaeology.
See you tomorrow...and hey.. it still is summer until the 22nd!

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Moby Dick and Sunday Stealing

Sunday stealing...

Stolen from Bankerchick
1. Tell us about any lawn or garden plans you have for this month,
Lawnmower broke. Dryer broke, roof leaks.. so not much will be done about much of anything. I might put out some chrysanthemums if I can find nice ones at the grocery store. 

I will clean the ponds nicely, though they are crystal clear and healthy but I start getting them ready for over wintering. I will have to buy a new leaf net for the big one. I have to cut back the wisteria as well. I will also transplant a lot of moss from the yard to the rocks around the pond as I love that look very much. I have a tree full of apples to pick now as well and trimming of weeds to do.

2. "Many things grow in the garden that were never sown there."~Thomas Fuller  What does this quote mean to you?
   I have quite a lot of plants that birds have brought to my garden. Lovely things that grow as one of a kind at first. Nothing grows unless it is sown and animals and birds do sow seed as do trees.
I am always pulling up swamp maple, oak, holly, pine and cedar seedlings from the forest behind me that blow into the yard and start growing.  I think there are enough young cedars and holly trees to transplant along the entire back fence and I will probably do that.

3. What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think about God?
I would think its probably something different each time. There is no one thing.

4. If we were chatting in person, how would I know if you were nervous.
There is no way for you to know.

5. Do you like the color yellow? Would I find any in your home or wardrobe?
I love yellow when it is very pale. You would find it in my kitchen wall color, pale sweet yellow.  My hair is also very pale light  blonde (yellow).

6. Daffodils, tulips, roses, sunflowers, day lily, black-eyed Susan...which yellow bloom on this list is your favorite?
I am a great fan of both yellow roses and Black eyed Susans. Two of my all time favorites.

7. Flip flops or bare feet?
 Growing up bare feet were frowned upon indoors or out. You had to wear shoes or slippers. I wear sandals rather than go barefoot.

8. Fish out of water, big fish in a small pond, living in a fishbowl, packed in like sardines, this is a fine kettle of fish, plenty of fish in the sea, fish or cut bait...which fishy phrase most recently applies to some area of your life?
Frankly Scallop, I don't give a clam, but I may answer this  just for the halibut.  Now stop carping about this de-bait because you are just floundering around. All this is giving me a haddock!

9. Have you ever been fishing? Did you catch a fish? If so did you keep it or throw it back? If you haven't been fishing is that something you'd like to try?
 Yes. Yes, I caught a tarpon my first time, sunnies after that. I didn't throw it back, it almost took me  into the water as it was well over 6 ft long and very powerful.it broke the line thankfully as I was in no way equipped for that kind of fish! If the line hadn't broken I would have had to let it go or be towed out to sea.

 Later on I liked fly fishing and I caught a lot of lovely golden trout.

10. What's something you're always fishing for in your purse, wallet, desk, or kitchen junk drawer?
No junk drawers allowed in my house. I fish for my keys in my purse.

11. Your favorite fish tale or movie?
I liked Moby Dick .. the cheap new version which you can watch here if you are so inclined. It's entertaining at least.


12. Are you sunrise, daylight, twilight or night? Explain why you chose your answer.
Twilight.. sounds nice that's why.

13. What's the oldest piece of clothing you own and still wear?
Winter coat that's about 20 something years old. I also have shirts that are very old too. I have a 20 year old skirt I still wear too.

14. What's been the best and worst part of your summer so far?
The weather was lovely this summer. Rarely too hot, just right. I actually enjoyed this summer.

15. Are you a Jimmy Buffet fan? If so, what's your favorite JB tune
Not a fan but he is okay.   I like Come Monday. Margaritaville is a good song too.

Tonight Tuesday 4 goes up, so.. look for it.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Saturday 9 and Layers

Here is what I add to Blogger CSS to create layers:(this is for Susan)
You can adjust color, shadow(or remove the shadow) and the size of the borders.
Save your template before changing anything and see how it looks in preview first of course.
Now you can add background: url (  if you want to use a specific background picture too.
And now for Saturday 9..

Saturday 9: So Emotional (1987)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

 1) Whitney sings that she keeps her lover's photo beside her bed. What's on your bedside table?

2) She's getting frustrated, waiting for the phone to ring. If your phone were to ring right now, who would you expect to be on the other end?

probably the middle school which is trying desperately to get their  act together for classes and home classes. Its ridiculous.  The kids should just declare a riot  so they can learn in peace all in one place!

3) The video was filmed at Stabler Arena in Bethlehem, PA. It seats 6,200. As the nation reopens from Covid19, would you feel comfortable sitting knee-to-knee with a stranger in an arena like this?
Sure, why  not?

4) This week's featured artist, Whitney Houston, appeared on the daytime drama As The World Turns. She played herself, performing with Jermaine Jackson at the Miss Cinderella contest in the fictional town of Oakdale. Have you ever been hooked on a soap opera?
I watched one or two for a bit long ago.

5) Whitney had a sweet tooth, and her favorite breakfast cereal was Fruity Pebbles. Do you often eat cereal for lunch or dinner?
Never eat cereal because the boxes are sprayed with insecticide to prevent weevils, etc. It is dangerous.

6) At Whitney's wedding to Bobby Brown, her bridesmaids all wore lavender dresses and the groomsmen had custom made alligator shoes. Have you ever "stood up" for a friend or relative? If so, do you remember what you wore?
Yes I was a bridesmaid. It was around Christmas and we wore dark green velvet gowns.

 7) In 1987, the year this song was popular, Cher won the Oscar for Moonstruck. Her most famous line was, "Snap out of it!" When you think of Cher, do you first think of her movies, her TV show, or her music?
I think of Moonstruck.

8) Michael Douglas won the Oscar that year for Wall Street. His most famous line was, "Greed is good." His character goes on to say that, "Greed in all its forms -- greed for life, for money, for love, for knowledge -- has marked the upward surge of all mankind." Do you agree?
No. Greed for anything is wrong. Moderation is what is needed in life, not lust for more, more, more.

9) Random question: When you woke up this morning, were you ready to get out of bed? Or do you wish you could have snoozed for a bit longer?
I almost always wake up when I am finished sleeping. I rarely wake up before I am done sleeping.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Pine Barrens

Behind my house is the cedar water creek that flows into the bay. Crystal clear and tea colored from the tannin in cedar that grow in the pine barrens.  The sand surrounding is sugar white and the barrens are heavily forested with cedar, pine, maple and holly.

The creek has many little rivulets running through the forest, and many ponds and lakes. 

 Linking to skywatch this week.

And the creek ends here on the open bay just  a bit up the creek...on the right of my home.

Now a photo for me.... She was a great goalie in field hockey, soccer and lacrosse.

Famous Anonymous High school Lacrosse best goalie of all time!

Monday, September 7, 2020

Tuesday 4...Music

Welcome to Tuesday 4 in honor and memory of Toni Taddeo!
This week let's talk about music and songs that you love.

1.Can you name songs that remind  you of autumn , spring, winter or summer?
Autumn Leaves, September Song, April Showers, Theme from a Summer Place, See you In September, Autumn in New York, Moonlight in Vermont, Summer of '47 theme song. Then there is Seals and Crofts Summer Breeze.
Carolina in the Pines by Michael Martin Murphy reminds me of autumn and trips into the Poconos.

2.Do you like background music when eating or shopping? Do you play background music at home?
Yes but I like music that matches the theme of the restaurant. I don't like hearing rock and roll in a nicer restaurant and I don't want classical in a burger joint.
There was a nice Italian restaurant that played Sinatra tunes, etc. It was very understated and nice.
3.Christmas music begins playing some places as early as November just before Thanksgiving. Do you have a favorite Christmas song? If not, how about any seasonal song that you love?
I have always liked the song Silver Bells which I heard in a movie. I also like the Christmas Song.. (chestnuts roasting on an open fire) and Sleigh Ride by Anderson.

4. Songs bring back memories. Would you share a song that triggers memories, good or bad, for you?
Teacher by George Michael reminds me of a friend who was decapitated in a car accident the day after I had been talking to him. When I heard the news that song was playing.
Theme from a Summer Place reminds me of the beach.. always great memories because I live in a Summer Place. The entire summers of my junior and senior years in high school were spent on the beach every single day.

The list is probably pretty long for songs with memories attached.
My mother loved the theme from the movie the Apartment and had me play it on the piano all the time for her.

Thanks for joining in.
Our questions aren't deep just fun questions to get you talking, thinking and help you get to know fellow bloggers.